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Webmasters can make money!

Well here we go again.........time for a change in my home page and a REAL update on stuff. A lot
of new stuff will be added and also a new line of topics I guess you culd say
My page will be mostly to do with my recent travels around Australia and until
people get bored of looking at it, thats how it's gunna stay for a while :)
Anyway.......hope you enjoy the tour of my pictures and travels around Australia
Last updated: 20th March 2000 ;)

I have finally got a fairly nice picture of me taken....so go HERE to see it :Þ

I now have some photos which have been done professionally, of myself and my boyfriend


OK..........so I guess here's where you can start your virtual tour of Australia.....
ENJOY :)))) ******************************************************************************************

Northern Territory
New South Wales

OK.....here's some piccies from Molokov's 21st Birthday bash for those of you that missed it :Þ

Party Pics

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