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Hi, My name is Autumn. I am 37 years old. I have been married for 19 1/2 years. I have one Daughter, she is 11. I enjoy reading, cross stitching, surfing the net and working on my Home pages. As you can tell from my name and house my favorite time of the year is Autumn and Winter. I hope you enjoy your stay here at my home. Browse, search, snoop you never know what you might find. Each window and door will take you to a different part of my Home. Remember if you have been here before hit the reload button to see any changes. Break out of frames

Click Christmas Halloween Downloads Links Valentine Games Olive, the Orphan Reindeer Easter Colorchanger

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Check out my Downloads page for some really cute stuff or, my Links page for more links. Want to know the HTML code for a certain color. Check out my Colorchanger page. Want to play a game then go to my Games pages. Or you can visit my niece Princess Leia's Homepage. Its a great STAR WARS page. Please visit Blizzard, The reindeer I'm keeping for Santa. And all his friends I have adopted. Sign his guestbook, He loves having visitors. Visit my sister Jonah's page it's full of links for Gardening. I have added a link to Home for the Holidays in my Misc. Links section. If you love to read on the web you should visit this site or visit my Book Store.


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