

The links listed below are owned or operated by people who are either directly connected to, or closely associated with PODSNET. A perusal of their pages will give you a feel for the intents and abilities of the particular people, and an appraisal of the quality to be found in PODSNET. Be welcome to visit any or all of them, but please use the same discretion in visiting their pages as you have in visiting The Gardens of Avalon III.

The Gardens of Avalon III
Ithan StarChild: Pagan Spirituality Contact, Unity and Activism
The House of Reflected Shadows
Stryder and Hunterss: Pagan Spirituality, Education and Sharing
Licorice Unicorn Covens
Psappho: Specialized Regional, Hereditary and Family Traditions
Zhahai's Home Page
Zhahai: Dragonfest Pagan Gathering, Home Brewing

Visitors' Information

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