As a Galaxy-Class Starship, the USS Grail has to have a medical department that shall be able to handle the great variety of health emergencies and outcomes. And due to the nature of the mission, the need for a well-trained personnel and a wide array of medical resources.
Sickbay is located in deck 12, in the saucer section. It has an ugraded capacity of 25 beds, adaptable to hold up to 25 in emergency situations. Each bed is connected to the medical computer, a server of the ship's main computer, in such a way that each patient is monitorized every second.
Vital signs, such as blood pressure, blood gases, central nervous system activity, cell metabolism, and cardiopulmonary function are monitorized with the state-of-the-art technology in patient care. Each bed is linked, also, to the patient's own record, so the DNA code, retina scan and fingerprint are at hand every time the physician or nurse needs to check them.
The computer is also linked via subspace net transmission to every available medical/scientific database in Federation space, from the Vulcan Science Academy to the Federation Annals of Medicine. However, this link depends on the distance from the central databases to the ship's position.
The BioLab, located inside Sickbay, provides the tools for practicing auxilliary tests to the patients, such as bacterial, virus, fungus , parasite and cell culture, cellular and subcellular analysis, DNA/RNA sequencing, blood testing, and such other procedures that help the staff make the most accurate diagnosis when taking care of their patients.
The cryogenic compartments allow Sickbay to hold up to 25 corpses to perform autopsy and related studies.
The latest, state-of-the-art technology in emergency care is the EMH, designed to provide immediate medical attention to people in the need. To fulfill that purpose, holographic projectors are located almost everywhere aboard the ship.
The abilities of the EMH are to initiate immediate scan of patients, commence invasive or non-invasive procedures in order to save the patient's life, and authorize emergency transports to Sickbay.
Currently, three doctors and five nurses take care of the nearly one thousand people aboard. Their skills are recognized by the Starfleet Medical Academy in Io, Sol V-C. The physicians can perform almost any regular and non-regular procedure in medical or surgical situations. The nurses are well trained on primary and secondary care of patients.
The Sickbay's computer can replicate almost any drug or device designed for treatment of diverse, known or alien diseases, as well as for investigation. Local surgery devices, such as anesthetic neural inhibitors and laser scalpels are available. The biomolecular containment fields can be activated anytime, in order to filter microbes and molecules.
The hand equipment for physicians and nurses include tricorders, and basic medi-kits, which include hyposprays, neural stimulators/inhibitors, and laser scalpels.
Some basic info on the last activities having happened on Sickbay and/or related to Medical activities linked to the ship or the crewmembers.
Any questions, problems or comments welcome.
Just address to Dr. Oku Ramin!