This is the picture of the Yew Court.We were having the Yew Fair in Atlantic. Here you can see my sitting beside the brown cloaked Caramon Majere and we were having a chat with Xena Dragon who is sitting directly opposite us. Those standing next to us is none other than Gargish Dragon (in Captain's hat) and Charlesmagne (i hope i get the name right).

Here everyone is getting ready to begin the march to the Yew Winery. Actually it resulted in the super lag race hehe.

Yes, this is the super lag race. Actually we were frozen stiff. Did you notice the guy in the center in running position? Thats me.

This is the Yew Winery (At Last!!!) Anyway, even here there is extreme lag. A pity because i have to leave the Fair and i am frozen here. People here drank themselves silly, and the wine i heard is good. (Azuth dont drink alcohol...a pity hehe).

Once again..the Portal...

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