Hawg Crazy Webring
The Hawg
Crazy Webring has moved
Attention Old Members! I emailed all old members the a notice (a copy is below), but there were an incrediable amount of those emails returned (you didn't keep your info updated!). So, if you didn't get that email, you didn't know that I removed the webring from the Yahoo/Webring system. I received an awful lot of emails from folks wanting me to hurry along the webring move (to my own server), and I have listened. The New Hawg Crazy Webring is now running. You will need to completely remove the old html code and rejoin (sorry 'bout that), but I think this will be a better ring for us all. |
To Those Wanting to Join The Hawg Crazy Webring has moved and is no longer a part of the Yahoo/Webring system. I welcome new members. The new Hawg Crazy Webring link is below this notice. |
The Old Hawg Crazy! Webring
LOL! Graphic sent to me by Smaug. Thanks!
A copy of the notice to all previous Hawg Crazy! Webring Members: To all Hawg Crazy! Webring members, Many of you may already know that Yahoo has taken over the webring system. Since Yahoo has taken over, I have had nothing but problems, and due to my email messages, many of you are having problems too. I can't even edit members' information, nor can I find how to tell members how to edit their site info. Yahoo webring has even redesigned the rings' look, it is no longer personalized by the ringmasters. It's downright sterile and ugly. Also, members are now having to get a yahoo ID. This is too much like "Big Brother" and I just don't like it. The changes that Yahoo has made to the webring system has, in my opinion, ruined it for all of us. So, with many apologies, I am discontinuing the HawgCrazy Webring. I hope that you will all understand, and know that I hate inconveniencing anyone. I'll keep it going for a few weeks to give you all time to remove the ring from your pages. On another note, I have found some scripts that will enable me to have my own ring, managed by me alone and owned by me alone. Once I get caught up with other things, I'll work on a new ring that will be run without anyone telling me how to run it. Again, I am sorry for any inconvenience. Thanks, Babe |