By Eva
Chapter 1: the On-Call Room
Karen stood next to the fax machine while the paper rolled out slowly. It was a fax from Jaggar's lawyer pertaining to their divorce. This day have been very hectic and hard for Karen. She had worked for a long time and needed rest. But she can't do that until she takes acre of everything. The fax said that Jaggar had already signed his part of the divorce paper; the only thing Karen has to do is sign her part. She can't believe her eyes. Jaggar is really divorcing her? A tear rolled down her cheek as she read on. The fax also said that there's a FedEx document already sent out to Karen. That document is what she needed to sign and mail back. Then they will be officially divorced. She went to the couch, sat down, and kept on crying.
Joe walked in after observing a surgery with Dr. Boardman. He, too, was really tired. He saw Karen sitting there. "Karen, are you alright?" She looked up and sniffed. He went to the Kleenex box and pulled out a tissue. She graciously took it and went back to her crying.
"You wanna tell me what this is about?" he asked worriedly.
Karen didn't answer.
He saw the fax paper and read it. "Awww, Karen, I'm so sorry."
"Hey don't worry about me. I'm alright." Karen faked a smile.
"Yeah, right, Karen!" Joe said feriously,"Jaggar is way over the line this time. He didn't care when you were held hostage. He left you for Fran, and told you that he wanted a divorce in a letter!"
"He didn't say he wanted a divorce. He suggested it." she said weakly, with her voice breaking.
"Karen, I'm sorry. I knew I wasn't suppose to talk to you like that, especially after what you went through." Joe sounded more and more concerned.
"It's alright. You just can't control your mouth, I can understand that. Besides, I've beed through worse." she said truthfully.
He went over and held her in his arms. Karen responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. They both closed their eyes and tried to enjoy that moment.
~*The 6th floor of GH~*
Later that night, Joe and Karen were on duty. They both sat in the counter at floor 6, filling out reports. While they were talking, a nurse told Karen that a FedEx arrived for her, but it needs to be picked up at the Nurses' Lounge in the 1st floor.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Joe asked.
"Sure, why not?" Karen answered.
They went to the elevator and waited for it to come up.
"Don't worry about it, Karen." Joe said with a smile.
"I'll try." Karen replied.
"No matter what, I'll get through it with you." Joe smiled.
The elevator doors never opened.
"Do you want to use the other elevator?" Karen asked.
"OK." Joe turned around and Karen followed.
When they got to the Nurses' Lounge elevator, the doors were mysteriously open. They looked at each other, puzzled, and stepped in. Karen pressed the button and the doors slid close. Then all of a sudden, everything went pitch black. And they could feel the elevator shaking and falling, really fast.
"Ahhhh!" Karen screamed.
Chapter 2--
The elevator came to a stop. But that stop was not done yet, for the elevator is hanging on a tiny piece of cable that could tear and break at any minute. The elevator swung back and forth. The creaking can be heard from inside the elevator.
Inside the elevator, Karen opened her eyes. It's all over, she thought. Althought all the lights were off, Karen can still see everything clearly. She looked over and saw Joe; he was leaning against the wall of the elevator, but his eyes were closed and a piece of ceiling was on him.
"Oh my God, Joe!" Karen whispered. She slowly got up and crawled over. The elevator creaked and creaked. She sat down in front of him and checked to make sure he was breathing and then breathed a sign of relieve. She carefully pushed the piece of ceiling off of him and started waking him up.
"Joe....Joe......Joe, wake up." Karen lightly patted his shoulders.
"Hmm?" Joe groggily whispered.
"Oh thank God," Karen whispered, "you passed out when that (pointing to the piece of ceiling) fell on your head."
"Are we still in the elevator?"
"What happened?"
"Well," Karen cleared her voice, "Something happened to the elevator, or maybe someone cut the wires or something, but the elevator fell. And I don't think it's done falling yet."
"What do you mean?" Joe became more interested.
"At first," Karen looked into his eyes, "When I was crawling over to you, I thought I heard some creaking up there. And I think we're stuck in a very dangerous elevator."
~GH Floor 6th~
Meanwhile, almost everyone heard Joe and Karen's elevator fall.
"Whoa, what was that?" Matt asked.
"It sounded like it came from the nurse elevator." Ellen answered.
"And I think I know who was on it." Grace worriedly whispered.
"Who?" Ellen sounded a little concerned.
"Joe and Karen." Grace answered.
~Back in the elevator~
"Well, at least we don't have to worry about getting rescued." Karen said.
"Why's that?"
"I think the elevator made some noise when it fell, and they should have heard it," Karen answered, "and also, Grace knew we went to get the FedEx. She was the one that told me about it."
"And about this 'dangerous elevator' "--Joe got interupted by Karen.
"--we could fall some more."
"But we were at Floor 6th, how can we fall so much?" Joe piped up.
"Joe," Karen smiled sarcastically, "do you know how much levels of basments and garages GH has?"
"At least 8 floors of garages and about 5 levels of basements FILLED with patient records." Karen answered.
"Really? I thought they were kidding when they said that."
Then the phone rang. Joe leaned over and picked it up. The elevator creaked some more. Karen eyed an "I told you so". It was Dr. Burgess. He explained their situation to her, about the "dangerous elevator" and the piece of ceiling. She says to hang tight and people will rescue them shortly. Joe murmured a goodbye and hung up.
"I don't think she understands what a life-threatening situation we're at right now." Joe grunts.
"Well, at least she--"
The elevator fell again. This time it landed for real. And this time the WHOLE hopital heard it.