Background Compulsion!

Special NEW feature:
X-Files Border Backgrounds!
Also, check out on that page the chance to have me, make X-Files backgrounds just for you, just as you wanted them.

November 1997

Just a tiny intro:

Over two years ago I finally got connected to the net, and I can still remember how awestruck I was when seeing each site and its spectacular background. Over the time I began browsing background, tile and wallpaper sites. Each magnificent background that I saw got me thinking: "I have to learn html. I have to learn html"...

It took me plenty of time and only in August 1997 did I find the time to grasp the basics of html, and no sooner did I learn html that I was going nuts in endless (and costly) searches for the right background.

I thought I was content, but after having gone through lots'n'lots of background sites I wanted more! I wanted to create my own backgrounds!

More searches ensued, and then I began experimenting. I enjoyed myself tremendously but I found I had too many backgrounds on my computer, and my own site just doesn't need that many (and has some lovely ones from other people's sites...). So I've decided, what the heck, I'll create a background site as well.

So, after this intro, following are my own creations. If anybody finds something of fancy s/he may download the background by clicking on the right mouse button, and choosing the 'save image as...' option. No linking directly to this page. I will be changing the backgrounds from time to time, and you may find that one day, your background has turned into a transparent one...

As a token of your appreciation, If you include one of my backgrounds in your page/site, please add a link back to my page. You may use the following image as a link:

Link to the following URL:

These backgrounds are free, and MAY NOT be used for any commercial usage.

And now - on with the show...



Please feel free to navigate between my various sites
Image Map
still-that-complusion vered-g's-x-files-picture-gallery Mostly FanFiction x-files-backgrounds background-compulsion x-files-backgrounds

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LinKo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


This site created by Vered Gilad and last modified on March 12, 1999

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