Welcome to my backgrounds directory. I sure hope you can find something here that you will enjoy!
To view the full background, just click on the thumbnail and save THE FULL background image!!
To use these borders the following code is NEEDED!!
Right under the {body background} tag insert this code:
<table width=80% align=right> <tr> <td>
Then just above the closing body tag insert this:
</td> </tr> </table>
Below you will find seperate areas for "Victorian".."Crafts".."Misc"..and the "Holiday" backgrounds will be further separated as to the particular "Holiday".
I hope this makes it alittle easier for you to find what you are looking for!
If you do choose to use one of these backgrounds, a link back would really be appreciated..either just a link to "BJ's Design Shoppe" or, you may use the graphic below.
I am adding this as a helper to those who have bookmarked this site and come back frequently to check for "NEW" backgrounds.
Feb 11th~~Added NEW section for Elegant backgrounds!!