Welcome to the Brian Littrell Mutual Admiration Society, otherwise known
as BLMAS. This society, and website, was established by two ladies in
Australia who came up with the idea after spending hours and hours chatting
over the internet about the one and only Brian Thomas Littrell of the
Backstreet Boys. Though Brian has affected us both in different ways, we
share a mutual admiration for his angelic voice, his incredible song
writing talent, his sense of humour.. and his adorable good looks. :)
This site is just our small way of paying tribute to him, and in a
roundabout way, thank him for touching our lives without even realising
Biography | Stats | Articles | Quotes | Pics | Music
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<center><a href="https://members.tripod.com/BLMAS"><img src="https://members.tripod.com/BLMAS/banner.jpg" width=450 height=60 alt="BLMAS"></a></center>
Disclaimer: This site is an unofficial fan site - the webmasters have no
affiliation to Brian Littrell or any of the Backstreet Boys, their
management or record company. All pictures were scanned by us from
numerous magazines, and article sources are acknowledged where known.
Other graphics are copyright K.R.B 1998-1999.