The Outgenue, or how to sell stuff convincingly

What Tenor?

One of the people I have taken great delight in corresponding with is Alan. The Outgenue to my Ingenue. One of very few tenors I actually like. We've been emailing back and forth for over 7 months now, and life is good. So I decided to write a page about him, it's really just a doss to check my html skills. Here's a quick little overview.

His life (What life?? I'm just givin' ya hard time Al!)

Alan Keith Davis was born on December 11, 1954 in Arkansas (I forget the exact place, but I'm sure he'd be more than delighted to tell you). He went to Henderson State University and majored in... well, something musical. Then he went to what is now the University of North Texas, but what used to be North Texas State University (I hope I got that right) and got his Master's in choral conducting (an incredibly useful degree, I tell you). Now he's 6'1" and a tenor.

Job-related stuff

Well, he used to sell medical equipment, when I first met him. Now he does something selling computer parts or something like that. Check out his workplace. Personally, I'd buy just about anything he would try to sell me. But, then again, I'm a partial audience here :-)

the Renaissance Consort of Fort Worth

He sings tenor for the RCFW. Now, if we ran that place, the concert titles would surely be more amusing. I suggested stuff like "Sing along with the RCFW" and "RCFW's Flying Circus", but he told me the director would have none of it. Oh well... It wouldn't have worked anyway. Singalongs only work with an utterly tone-deaf audience :-)

FAQ's - Funny Alan Quotes

I didn't realize how much of an Outgenue I had become
Augmented sixth chords (sorry Al, I just had to put that one up)
I'd have to get a shovel right now to list all my KS albums
I was afraid that admitting that I was in charge of fundraising had sent you running for the hills
Religion is non-rhythmic, love is rhythmic... hmm. Maybe that theory needs a little development
Temecula? That sounds like the kind of place where your carol books would burst into flames and black-cloaked pasty-faced minions would shrink in horror of Christmas carols
Administrator's note: These quotes are really just for my own amusement. If you don't get them, it's probably because you don't know him. Or maybe it's because you don't know me. In any case... You don't have to take the quotes too seriously. It's just me teasing Alan, and he knows it.

You can mail him at



Woohoo! Already people have wondered what "Outgenue" means, or who this tenor is!