Hello!! Welcome to my Backstreet Boys page. My name is Ashley and I hope you enjoy my page. I just started it awhile ago. Please sign my guestbook.
I just want everyone to know that everything on this web page may not be true. Please don't e-mail me and tell me I'm not a true fan and that I should take the page down just because I got one fact wrong. I am sorry, but I did not force you to visit this page so don't yell at me!! Thanks for reading that!!!
IF anyone knows how to put sounds on a web page please e-mail me. I really want to put a lot of BSB sounds on here! Thanks a lot!!
I was asked a while ago if I have a newsletter. Well right now I don't have one but if enough people ask me I might make one. Thanks
This is my banner please link it back to your page if you have one. E-mail me if you want me to link your page to mine.
Get BSB to notice you, well, us. this is a cool thing and you can be part of it. I did it too.
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If you have any web rings you would like me to join e-mail me the codes. thanx
bsb fans have been here since september 20th
