While watching Christian broadcasting one night, I heard a minister giving his testimony about what had happened to him while serving in Vietnam. He had been wounded severly. The multiple injuries to his body included: The top of his head had been blown off, also the side of his face,an ear, and some fingers. He had suffered so much, yet he was praising the Lord for seeing him through it all, and bringing him home to his family. In this heart-breaking testimony, I'll never forget the words he said , "When you've suffered for America, don't you love her so much more!" I could not get this off my mind. The Lord later inspired me with the following song, that I wish to dedicate to all our American Veterans who have so bravely served our country, in any branch of the military. I know that you will never receive the honor that you are so deserving of, but please know that I appreciate all that you have done from the depths of my heart. May God bless each and every one of you for what you did for this country!


One sad day those orders came, and you went off to war. Knowing that you might never see family and home any more. You earned us liberty, and these songs we proudly sing: "America The Beautiful" and "Let Freedom Ring." Although we can never know the terrible pain you bore. When you've suffered for America, don't you love her so much more.

Some lost their eyes and ears, and even a limb or two. Thank you sounds so meaningless, for all that you've been through. When Jesus calls you, if your heart is clean and pure, He has a special place reserved for you, I'm sure. There's a new body waiting, where pain will all be o'er. When you've suffered for America, don't you love her so much more.

We express our gratitude for the torture you went through. You bought our freedom, as you stood for the red, white, and blue. Jesus was always by your side in that distant land. In the heat of the battle, He was holding to your hand. You led our Nation to victory, over on that foreign shore. When you've suffered for America, don't you love her so much more.

With love we also remember those who fought, bled, and died. What these heros did for us, kept old glory waving high. They've now gone to their reward,in that eternal home. Resting in the arms of Jesus, where war is never known. We're proud of this country they so bravely gave their lives for. They suffered for America, and we love them so much more.

In that Heavenly city, battlefields are left behind. Memories of war, will have vanished from your mind. On that glorious morning, when God's soldiers all march in, You'll be at peace forever, Hallelujah, Amen!
Written by: Barbara Rogers
Copyright 1996

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