Dismukes Photography: David's Fantastic Photos
Poetic Palace: Gail is a Fantastic Friend
Speed's Pit Stop: Rick is a Great Friend
Li'L Penny's PageBasketball Stuff
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Addy's Dutch Cafe & Restaurant: Addy always makes my day!
Larry's Odyssey Homepages: Larry is a great person, go meet him!
Martin's Homepage: Martin is my Bulgarian Friend
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Dartarus' Philosophy on Life: A Sweet Friend
CharmingBilly's Homepages: Bill is Delightful!!
Br@vehe@rts: Graham is a Good Friend
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Morgan & Char's HomePage: Nice People, go meet them!!!
A Page For Lovers: Share It With Someone You Love
Chris : One Of My Very Best Personal Friends!!!
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Draggin' Dogs : Cool Bikers
BackStreet Boys Boogie Box: My Daughters Web Pages
REDBIRD's Chopper Page: Choppers, Bikers, Bikes, and Chat
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Sue's Family Homepage: Sue Always makes me Smile!
Bev's Place: A Great Lady
The Sweetest Address: Barry's a wonderful person
Cybermom 2 Jen is one of my new friends
The Martin Family Home Page: Fantastic People for you to meet!
Shared Parenting: Paul has a lot to say!
The Lonewolf BBS Web Site: Steve is Fun!
SingleDad's Home On The Web: Jack is one that I can Always depend on!!!
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