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NOTE: Always pretest fabric remover solutions on a hidden part of the garment for color-fastness (test on the inside of the hem or an inside seam). Read the DISCLAIMER
Tiki from Cleveland, Ohio writes; "I found out basically by accident that Dawn Power Dissolver works on grease stains in clothes. My husband brought a beautiful shirt last month and the first day he wore it, dropped a greasy b-b-q rib bone right in the middle. Needless to say I washed it a couple of times and the stain never budged and we decided "there goes another shirt for kicking around in". Well when I was cleaning a greasy casserole, it hit me let's for the hell of it spray this on the shirt. I sprayed the power dissolver and washed and VOILA stain gone. I have dug out all of my husband and my grease spotted clothes and used Power Dissolver and the stains are gone." Thanks so much Tiki! Super Tip!!
Mrs. Schoell writes; "My husband is a mechanic, and I've found that putting Dawn and Simple Green in the wash with his greasy clothes takes out the grease. 1/4 cup of each does the trick." Thanks for sharing this great tip with us Mrs. Schoell!!
Ellen Lewis from Ontario, Canada writes; "I've tried this a number of times, always with success. To eliminate grease stains made from butter or cooking oil, put a little shampoo on the stain and then put it through the wash as usual. There's no need to let it sit. It even works on old grease stains. The rationale: shampoo gets the grease out of your hair, so why not your clothes too?" Thanks for the dandy tip Ellen!! Works like a charm!
Beth Garrison-Kemp from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands writes; "I happened upon your site while doing a search on getting out a red wine stain, and I saw the grease removal tips. I thought I’d share one with you... I saw this on “The View” when they had some stain removal guru on. Believe it or not, I have had great success with Cheese Whiz. Yes, that goopy orange stuff, when smeared generously on a grease stain, takes it right out in the laundry. No need to let it sit—I just smear it on and throw it in the wash. I first used this as a last resort when trying to remove bicycle chain grease from my daughter’s dress, and I was shocked at the result! I’ve since used it successfully on butter and cooking oil. Hope this helps!" Thanks Beth.... yes, your tip has been a great help! Thanks for sharing!
Tammy Timmins from Ontario sent me another great grease stain tip; "For any grease or oil stains on clothing make a paste with laundry detergent and water and rub onto clothing, let sit for 30 minutes or more then wash." Thanks Tammy!
Another good tip is to put some full strength Lestoil on the grease stain and rub fabric gently. Rinse and repeat without rinsing. Wash as usual.
Or... this great grease tip sent in by Sharon from Terrace, British Columbia, Canada; "If you have a set in grease stain, just spray the stain with WD-40 and let it sit about 20 minutes. Then, rub a dollop of liquid dish detergent (Dawn is a good one) onto the WD-40 stain and rub in well. Rinse and smear on a bit more dish detergent and then wash as usual" Thanks Sharon I use this one myself!
Yet another great tip was sent in by Carlie from Sydney, Australia; "To remove grease stains from any fabric (including delicates) sprinkle talculm powder all over stain and leave on overnight, best is to hang in the sun. Then wash as normal." Thanks Carlie!
Here is a super grease tip from Alanna, from Vernon, BC; To remove cooking oil, or food oil stains, (ie. the ones you find after the garment has already been washed), either pour a little Coca Cola directly on to the stain and let sit for a few minutes than wash as usual, or add the whole can of Coke to the wash." Thanks Alanna! For more great Coca Cola tips click HERE The grease stain tips keep rolling in! Ritaroni from Southern California writes; "I keep a can of hair spray next to my detergent for all those grease stains and any other stain it might get out. I spray a good amount of hair spray onto the stain and it most always gets out the stain." Thanks Ritaroni, I knew that hairspray got out ink, but I didn't know it cut grease too. Can't wait to try it on my next grease stain!
Jessica from Kentucky writes; "I use Lysol kitchen cleaner to get out my grease stains, and it works very well." Thanks so much for sharing your grease stain remover tip Jessica!
Sally from B'ham, AL writes; "My parents passed this on to me.. swear by it, and have made me a believer - lighter fluid! Just sprinkle a little on the grease spot (even if it's been laundered before) and launder as usual. For really tough grease, like bicycle chain grease, squirt on lighter fluid and "work on" stain to loosen it, then launder." Thanks loads Sally! I have to add that this works great on whites, but be careful on colored fabric. Test first! Sometimes the lighter fluid will remove the color!
Danielle from Calgary, Alberta, Canada writes; "All the ideas I've read sound great but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the solution my mom always uses. Grease Hand Cleaner (yes, the kind my dad uses after he's been fixing the car!). Just put a small amount on the stain, rub in, and then launder as usual. Works every time!" Thanks for sharing Danielle! Diana from Grand Rapids, MI writes; "Danielle, is right that the cleaner for greasy hands will remove the stain, but in my experience with it, pretty soon you have a hole in the fabric. It seems to weaken the fibers." Thanks for the warning Diana! So remember everyone, when you use the hand cleaner, easy does it!
DMW from Myrtle Beach, SC sent in this excellent tip; "As a general grease or stain remover I have used Sunlight dish detergent as a prewash stain remover for years. Even works on those "unknown" stains on jeans right at the spot where your kids wipe their hands!" Thanks for this keen tip D!
Tara Pelle from BC writes; "I visited your site to get help on taking grease stain out of a shirt, but to no avail. Fortunately, I tried my own solution which was soaking the fabric in water and then rubbing Aloe Vera gel on it and out came the stain." Thanks Tara!
Last but not least! Sent in by Joy from Boston; "For any grease or oil based stain use Citrisolve, citrus cleaner. More concentrated solution is better, just a drop or two on the spot and let sit a little while before washing." Thanks Joy!!
Many more stain remover tips to come! Please come back to see the additions! Click HERE to go back to Barefoot Lass's Stain Remover Page! Or, explore my other helpful pages on the navigation bar on the left. And... feel free to email me with more grease tips!