What is the basic equipment you need to keep a betta?
1. A container.
2. A heater and a thermometer.
3. A net.
4. Food.
5. Water conditioners.

Many times the betta is the first pet a person will ever own and they may be purchasing it for the home or even the office to add a little "Living Gem" to their home or work place. Sometimes they are a gift and the new owner wants to provide a good life for their pet. That a great place to start! Everything you need can be purchased right here through the net through Petsmart. This is not the Petsmart site but I can link you to the stuff on the Petsmart site to give you the best stuff for your betta, so you can keep your betta "betta equipped"!

1. The container.

The container should contain only one betta, because the males (which is what they usually sell in the pet stores) will fight. That is the reason they call 'em Siamese Fighting Fish! To take full advantage of their splendid color I suggest you get lighted aquarium. You might want to add some snails or a cleaner fish like a Coridorus cat fish or a small algae eater. These will make good take mates. But just the betta alone is good if you don't over feed. Do 20% water changes monthly and you should be fine. The setup I suggest is the Aqua Scene Desktop Aquariums.

2. A heater and a thermometer.

Bettas go dormant at cooler temperatures and they just lie there and stop eating. It is best to keep them in water between 78 - 86F (25 - 30C). You will need a thermometer and heater. I like the submersible heaters the best because they are easier to hide and you don't have to worry about it falling in and being ruined by the water. I suggest one of these thermometers and Accura 1000 heater (50 Watts for the 2 gallon aquarium 100 Watts for the 5 gallon aquarium.)

3. A net.

You really need a net on hand if you need to remove the fish for any reason. Make sure to wet the net first before you scoop up the fish. Just soaking it for several seconds helps a lot. You can damage a fish's slime layer with a dry net and introduce a chance for infections. I suggest a 5 X 4 inch net.

4. Food.

Ah, Food! The best part of the bettas day. Once he gets adjusted to you, and his new environment. He will swim to the top of his container when he sees you coming! There are a lot of great foods for bettas floating about, and yet live and frozen foods may be the best ...but dry foods are really just as good for the domestic pet fish. They are easier and cheaper too! And your hands don't stink after you feed your fish. Keep it simple and use this high quality "Betta Gold" food, made for the betta diet.

5. Water conditioners.

If you get city-water chances are you need to declorinate it. I suggest getting the "Stress Coat" declorinator/conditioner. Remember, when declorinating, conditioning or altering the pH, do it in a seperate container than the one with your fish. Adjusting water conditions can make for temperary exstreams which my damage, weaken or even kill your fish.

There are a lot of other things you don't need that, but if you're like me you just got to have! This is a fun hobby so shop around and enjoy. You can click the Petsmart logo and shop till you drop! Specials


Document last updated SEP 24, 2007.