John & Daisy's Kids Beaches of Kentucky

Keeping in Touch
Family Album
All the info you need
A few fun things
Current Events
Current Events
Current Events
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Thank you for visiting. We now have a new look! The design was brought about to make the site easier to navigate and to be more compatible with older versions of the internet browsers. The goals for this site are to be a meeting place for family members and their friends, to provide needed information on upcoming events, to provide a source of communication in our fast-paced lives and to be a fun place to visit. Enjoy yourself and feel free to leave any comments.
Web Pages-
Individual web pages are being encouraged. This is a great way to express your interests and ideas to the family and the rest of the world. You don't need anything extreme. Just start out small and put more into content than flash. You can even do a page for your individual family where each member has a page of their own. A great way to get the family involved in a project together. You can obtain any information you may need by emailing me. Have fun!!
We are in need of photos and any other items that we may be able to post to the site. I know how dear pictures are to individuals so I would be more than glad to set up times for anyone wanting to post pictures to the site that they may not want to leave. They can be scanned and saved usually in a period of about an hour. Of course it depends upon how many items there are. If you have other ways of getting them scanned (please make sure they are in .JPG format) they can simply be emailed to me. Audio tapes are also possible to be posted here as well as documents or letters. Let your imagination go with this idea and all can benefit if these items are accessible to everyone on the web.
Comments & Suggestions-
I welcome any and all comments and suggestions. But, please understand my time is just as limited as yours may be. Those comments involving changes will be handled as quickly as possible. Although I am welcoming any and all comments, please be pleasant and courteous. Rude comments will be forwarded to all family members and further comments will be immediately deleted.
New Features

New quarterly newsletter that will be published to the web with an email notification to all members. With luck, in the future, the newsletter will be mailed to all family members as well as published here at the site. Some of the things included in the newsletter are family news, horoscopes, commentary and featured articles that are submitted by family members.

Informational Links~
Links have been catagorized to better assist in finding needed information.

The genealogy has been broken down into two catagories. The first is the tree of the immediate family. The next is the line stretching back to Virginia in the 1800's. This will take some time to complete and I would apprecitae any help in typing the information and publishing it to the web.