![]() Free search engine submission and placement services!
(c)copyright August 2000, Bea Sheftel Mother by the window called "Come and see the last trolley." The night is black and cold, the radiator sizzles steam. I move the lace curtains my nose pressed to the glass A ghost like parade slowly rolls as people stand silently watching. The rod to the electric line sparks, metal on metal squeals. "Remember this night," mother says. I remember the trolleys and mother planting history in my soul. The scent of Chanel, soft hands on my arm holding me to the past pushing me to the future linked by memory and love.
From the Poetry Market, a newsletter on Yahoo Groups.com ===ABLE MUSE=== http://www.ablemuse.com/submit.htm Exclusively publishes formal poetry. Looking for well-crafted poems of any length or subject that employ skillful and imaginative use of meter and rhyme, executed in a contemporary idiom, that reads as naturally as your free verse poems. All forms of formal poetry are welcome. Examples: check the poetry of Philip Larkin, James Merrill, Elizabeth Bishop, Derek Walcott, Marilyn Hacker, Richard Wilbur, Anthony Hetch. Send only previously unpublished poems. No simultaneous submissions. Send 1 - 5 poems, brief bio. A cover letter is preferred. E-mail submissions are preferred, but may also mail submissions. For long poems accepted by snail mail, request a computer disk. Response time varies from 2 - 8 weeks. Acquires first-time electronic publication rights. Rights return to author after publication. Also reserves the right to republish it in a future electronic and/or print anthology. Back issues are archived indefinitely. Payment is publication. Email submissions as Word, WordPerfect, HTML, ASCII attachments or within body of e-mail to: submission@ablemuse.com If no access to e-mail, mail to (w/SASE): Alex Pepple, Ed., Able Muse Review, 467 Saratoga Avenue, #602 San Jose, CA 95129 ===THE ACORN=== (Young Poets) Established in 1989. Reading audience = students K-12. Publishes 4 times a year. 20 poems per issue. Mail to: 1530 Seventh St., Rock Island IL 61201 ===AETHER=== http://www.henge.com/~ealynch/ Aether will be exploring the theme of, "What is the difference between wisdom and madness, mysticism and insanity?" over the next few months. This can be as loosely interpreted as you like encompassing social, cultural and individual issues. Submissions of prose, poetry, graphics and photography will be considered. No RealAudio, Flash, or anything which would require the observer to install a plug-in submissions. Prefers new work written specifically for the theme. No deadlines, no set rules except work you submit must be your property to publish. Contact: EA Lynch, Ed. - ealynch@interfold.com ===AfterNoon MAGAZINE=== http://www.motley-focus.com/~timber/afternoon.html Magazine of Art and Literature. Published by Motley Focus Locus. Open to submissions of fiction, drama, poetry, essays or graphics. Prefers email submissions. Editorial: William Timberman, timber@motley-focus.com Contributions: Stephen Williamson, stephenw@walrus.com Mail to: Postal: 788 Columbus Avenue Apt 7p, N.Y., N.Y. 10025 ===ALBANY POETRY WORKSHOP=== http://www.sonic.net/poetry/albany Live forum for our readers who wish to read and comment on each others'works-in-progress. Also offers writing exercises, tips on critiquing a poem, short reading list of books on poetry, reviews of poetry web sites and a list of writers' conferences. Submit up to three poems per week using standard spelling and punctuation. Include full name, e-mail address, URL of your webpages. With each poem, include brief question about your draft that you want readers to comment on. Only poems including questions are displayed. Submissions lacking questions will not be acknowledged. Staff: Scott Reid (Editor) Contact/Submit: Scott Reid, Editor - scotts@sonic.net ===AMARILLO BAY=== Publishes fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction written in English. Considers submissions from both unpublished and established writers. Any subject, form,or length. Prefers poetry effective use of imagery. Submit no more than five poems at a time. Payment is publication. Authors retain the copyright to their works. Works that are accepted will be presented in an issue of Amarillo Bay featured until the next issue appears approximately three months later. Work will then be included in back issues. At the request of authors we will remove their works from Amarillo Bay. Send all submissions as text files only. Will not read submissions that come as encoded attached files. To send your work as a text file, copy and paste it into your e-mail. In your submission, include your mailing so that you can be contacted if your e-mail address does not work. Responds to submissions in 2 months. Email submissions to Jerry Craven: Jerry.Craven@amarillobay.org ===THE APPRENTICE WRITER=== (Young Poets) Accepts prose and poetry by high school students. Deadline May 15th. Annual publication. Mail to: The Apprentice Writer, c/o Gary Fincke, Editor Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1001 ===BIG BRIDGE=== www.bigbridge.org A webzine of poetry and everything else. Interested in poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, journalism, and art of all kinds. Submissions accepted year-round. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Include a biographical note. If the work has been published previously, let them know where. If they publish an anthology, they reserve the right to republish your work in it. Copyrights revert to the artist. Email: walterblue@bigbridge.org. Or mail to: Big Bridge Press, 2000 Highway 1, Pacifica, CA 94044 ===BLUE MOON=== www.thebluemoon.com Submit up to 5 poems - either in the body of an email or as an attachment in Microsoft Word - to Alan Michael Parker, Poetry Editor, c/o poetry@thebluemoon.com. Include with your poems a short bio and a current email address; multiple or simultaneous submissions are not welcome at this time. Generally, an editorial response to submissions can be expected within 1-2 months. Open to diverse aesthetics, with a bias only toward charged language. Welcomes original work as well as new translations; reprints or previously published material will not be considered. Only electronic submissions are accepted. Email: poetry@thebluemoon.com ===GEORGIA REVIEW=== http://www.uga.edu/garev/geninfo/submit.html Published quarterly. Offers stories, essays, poems, book reviews, and visual art. Pays $3 per line for poetry. Does not accept email submissions. Mail to: University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602-9009 ===MERLYN'S PEN=== (Young Poets) A national magazine of student writing from students in grades 9-12. Published alternate months during the school year. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a completed official cover sheet available upon request. Mail to: Box 1058, East Greenwich RI 02818 ==REFLECTIONS=== Submit up to 3 poems--any style, any subject up to 35 lines in length. Poems must have a title and be typed. No profanity or obscenity. Name, City, State, & Country will be published & must be included with each submission. (Use of pen name is okay) No publishing fee or purchase is required, but contributors receive discount rates if they do wish to order. You will retain all rights to your work. Enclose a SASE. Student poets and artists in K-12 should include their grade and school. Deadlines: Spring issue - Feb. 28 (Published in April), Summer issue - May 31 (Published in July), Fall Issue - Aug. 31 (Published in Oct.), Winter issue - Nov. 30 (Published in Jan.) Mail to: Wordshop Publications, 6 Jacob Lane, Conway, AR 72032 ===SKIPPING STONES=== A multicultural magazine. Publishes 5 issues a year. 15 - 20 poems per issue. For children 18 and under. Celebrates "cultural and environmental richness." Mail to: P.O. Box 3939, Eugene OR 97403 ===SOUTHERN VOICES=== (Young Poets) A journal of award-winning prose and poetry from young writers across the southeastern United States. Mail to: Cedar Creek School, 2400 Cedar Creek Drive, Ruston LA 71270. ===THE MUSE JOURNAL=== http://www.musejournal.com/subguide.htm All poetry submissions must be no longer than 250 words. Any topic or style of poetry. Must submit a reading/entry fee of $5 for each poem sent (in US funds if outside Canada). Canadian entrants may send personal cheques, all others must submit a money order of $5 US for EACH poem. Make payable to: Paradigm-X-Graphics, 226 Lisgar Street, Toronto, Ontario M6J 3G7 Do not mail your poems. Poems may only be emailed. You can send your poems using the official form below or attach them to an email. Attached poems should be in Microsoft Word format or written in the body of your email. Poems will not be read unless payment is received within 2 weeks after you email your poem(s). Email: love@musejournal.com ===NOW & THEN=== Published 3x a year by the Center for Appalachian Studies and Services. Issues focus on aspect of life in the Appalachian region (from Northern Mississippi to Southern New York). Accepts fiction, poetry, articles, interviews, essays, memoirs, book reviews, photos, and drawings. Work can be contemporary or historical. Writing can also come from research including old diaries, letters, and family histories. All work should have some tie to the region (i.e., the subject matter is about life in Appalachia or the writer has lived or is currently living in the region). Also all work should pertain to the themes. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced and dark enough to xerox well. When submitting poetry, put your name, address, and phone number on every poem. Submit up to 5 poems at a time. Include a couple of lines about yourself for use in a contributor's note and a SASE. Prefers no reprints. Accepts simultaneous submissions. Mail to: Poetry Editor Linda Parsons, 2909 Fountain Park Blvd., Knoxville TN 37917 ===POP POETS=== http://members.aol.com/poppoets Bi-annual literary poetry publication. Now reading for Winter '01/ Spring '02 issue. Submit up to 5 poems of 8 - 200 lines of any subject or style (except haiku, erotica, troika). Prefers free verse. Poems must be original and unpublished. Past published poets include Virgil Suarez, Jarret Keene, Leigh Kirkland, Ryan G. Van Cleeve, Charles P. Ries. No reading fees. No publication fees. Pays in copies. Reserves 1 time publishing rights. Poetry samples available at website along with full guidelines. Editor is L.B. Sedlacek who is also editor of The Poetry Market. Reading sample copy first is advisable but not required. Prefers mailed submissions, however if you are a subscriber to The Poetry Market you may submit your poems within the body of your email to our publisher -- Anthony: poppoets@aol.com Subject line must say: "Submission - Pop Poets - (your name)" Include BIO and short cover note within email. Also mention that you are a subscriber to The Poetry Market so that your submission won't be deleted. Sample copies are $1 + SASE. Subscriptions are $5 for 2 biannual issues. ISSN: 1532-3609 ===THE ROSE & THORN LITERARY E-ZINE=== http://members.aol.com/Raven763/Submissions.html A multi-genre magazine, showcasing emerging and established writers and blending contemporary writings with traditional prose and poetry in an effort to promote the literary arts and expand the venue of standard publishing. The Rose & Thorn provides resources for writers, writers' tips, free literary newsletters and interactive forums. Web site: http://members.aol.com/Raven763/index.html ===WRITES OF PASSAGE=== (Young Poets) A literary journal for teenagers published by the nonprofit organization of the same name. Published 2x a year. Accepts poetry and short stories from young people ages 12 - 19. Mail to: 817 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York NY 10003