Betty's Haven
More of My FantasticExplorings

Old Grass Ballard place 12-14-1997
This old place used to be called Garfield years ago. There was a post office and a place where they held court with a hanging tree nearby to hang the outlaws. We found rocks from the old house and two wells, one was a drilled one near the cedar tree and another was off the hill by Greenleaf creek. This place is just west of Little Charlie Glass place. There used to be an old cemetery near here too. It was located out back of the house on the south side.

An old cross cut saw that was left and a tree has growed around it

Another view of that old saw we found on the Grass Ballard place

Old Tuxy Ballard place, Garfield, Indian Territory
Tuxy Ballard and family in early 1900's
This old place was called the Grass Ballard place later
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