Betty's Haven
More of My FantasticExplorings

Old Tuxy Ballard place 1-19-1998
This is one of the old Tuxy Ballard places. He did live, earlier at what was later called the old Grass Ballard place where Garfield used to be. It was Tuxy's place for awhile. This place is located on what is now called Elm Hollow road. Just go in the south gate south of the old Greenleaf bridge across Greenleaf creek and go right on by Hayfield road turnoff and  go south to the top of the hill. There is an old road leads off to the east/ northeast, called Elm Hollow road. Just go a short distance and the old remains are on the right side of the road. There are two old cellar remains there, one on the right side and one on the left side of the road. The photo above is part of the old rock foundation.
A piece of metal (?) lying on part of the rock foundation

This is the remains of one of the old cellars
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