Betty's Haven
More of My FantasticExplorings

An old road in the Muskogee county side of Camp Gruber
This old road used to go to the John Conrad place, located southwest of the Pecan tree and of the County line road going north and south on the county line of Muskogee and Cherokee counties. The old Pecan tree was right in the middle of the County line road. Just south and west of it was where my great grandma Nancy Gafford Sanders Dunback Ziegler lived. I do hope you saw her cellar remains. Lucille lived right across the road from her and her grandpa John Conrad lived southwest of where they lived down this old road above.

Old galvanized wash tub on the John Conrad place

The big old dug well on the John Conrad place
My friend, Lucille Conrad told me where this old place was and about the big dug well. I found this 1-24-1998
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