John Beloff, What are minds for?

John Beloff, The mind-brain problem

Selmer Bringsjord, Searle on the brink

Andrew Chrucky, Critique of Wilfrid Sellars' materialism

Rene Descartes,Meditations on First Philosophy

John Hubbard, Parsimony and the mind

Frank Jackson, Epiphenomenal qualia

Edward James, Mind-body continuism: Dualities without dualism

Peter J. King, Dualism: An empirical test

E.J. Lowe, Self, agency, and mental causation

Peter Lloyd, Is the mind physical? Dissecting conscious brain tissue

Marvin Minsky, Minds are simply what brains do

Marvin Minsky, Matter, minds, and models

Hans Moravec, Dualism through reductionism

Paul Moser & J. D. Trout, Contemporary materialism

Thomas Polger, Escaping the epiphenomenal trap

Karl Popper, Language and the body-mind problem: A restatement of interactionism

Karl Popper, A note on the body-mind problem

A.J. Rudd, What it's like and what's really wrong with physicalism: A Wittgensteinian perspective

Wilfrid Sellars, A note on Popper's argument for dualism

Nigel Thomas, Mary doesn't know science: On misconceiving a science of consciousness

Michael Tye, Knowing what it is like: The ability hypothesis and the knowledge argument

Adam Vinueza, The knowledge argument