Ned Block, The mind as the software of the brain

Selmer Bringsjord, Cognition is not computation: The argument from irreversibility

David Chalmers, A computational foundation for the study of cognition

Matthew Elton, Robots and rights: The ethical demands of artificial agents

Stevan Harnad, The symbol grounding problem

Stevan Harnad, Computation is just interpretable symbol manipulation; Cognition isn't

Larry Hauser, Why isn't my pocket calculator a thinking thing?

Jaron Lanier, Agents of alienation

Jean Lessegue, What kind of Turing test did Turing have in mind?

John McCarthy, Ascribing mental qualities to machines

John McCarthy & Patrick Hayes, Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial intelligence

Drew McDermott, How intelligent is Deep Blue?

Marvin Minsky, Why people think computers can't

William Rapaport, How minds can be computational systems

Stanford Humanities Review, Constructions of the mind: Artificial intelligence and the humanities

Tim van Gelder, Into the Deep Blue yonder

Tim van Gelder, The dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science