Anthony Atkinson, Persons, systems, and subsystems

William Bechtel and Jennifer Mundale, Multiple realizability revisited

Ned Block, Anti-reductionism slaps back

Ned Block, What is functionalism?

Andy Clark & David Chalmers, The extended mind

Gregory Currie and Ian Ravenscroft, Mental simulation and motor imagery

Martin Davies and Tony Stone, Folk psychology and mental simulation

Donald Davidson, Anomalous monism

Hubert Dreyfus, Intelligence without representation

Alvin Goldman, The psychology of folk psychology

Rick Grush, Manifolds, co-ordinations, imagination, objectivity

Steven Horst, Mind and the World of Nature

Colin McGinn, The problem of philosophy

Ruth Millikan, What is behavior?

Tony Pitson, The dispositional account of colour

Huw Price, Psychology in perspective

Stephen Stich, Deconstructing the mind

Nigel Thomas, Are theories of imagery theories of imagination?

Tim van Gelder, Beyond the mind-body problem

Tim van Gelder, Monism, dualism, pluralism

Tim van Gelder, The distinction between mind and cognition

Rob Wilson, Introduction to philosophy of mind