Sean Draine, Anthony Greenwald, & Mahzarin Banaji, Modeling unconscious gender bias in fame judgments

. Anthony Greenwald, A "response window" procedure to produce large supraliminal and subliminal semantic priming effects

Andrew Mayes, Patricia Gooding, & Rob van Eijk, A new theoretical framework for explicit and implicit memory

Gail McKoon & Roger Ratcliff, How should implicit memory phenomena be modeled

? Roger Ratcliff & Gail McKoon, Bias effects in implicit memory tasks

Roger Ratcliff, Trish Van Zandt, & Gail McKoon, Two factor theory, single process theories, and recognition memory

Daniel Schacter, Illusory memories: A cognitive neuroscience analysis

Larry Squire & Stuart Zola, Structure and function of declarative and nondeclarative memory systems

Jennifer Stolz & Philip Merikle, Conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Temporal dynamics

Patrice Terrier, Re-examining the role of consistency

R.F. Thompson & J.J. Kim, Memory systems in the brain and the localization of a memory

Daniel Willingham & Laura Preuss, The death of implicit memory