Selmer Bringsjord, In defense of impenetrable zombies

Selmer Bringsjord, The zombie attack on the computational conception of mind

David Chalmers, Self-ascription without qualia: A case-study

Allin Cottrell, On the conceivability of zombies: Chalmers v. Dennett

Daniel Dennett, The unimagined preposterousness of zombies

Owen Flanagan & Tom Polger, Zombies and the function of consciousness

Stevan Harnad, Why and how we are not zombies

Larry Hauser, Revenge of the zombies

Jaron Lanier, You can't argue with a zombie

John McCarthy, Todd Moody's zombies

Todd Moody, Conversations with zombies

Gregory Mulhauser, Zombies

Nigel Shardlow, Zombies

Nigel Thomas, Zombie killer