A Code of Conduct For All Hunters

A Hunter's Pledge

Responsible hunting provides unique challenges and rewards.
However, the future of the sport depends on each hunter's behavior and ethics.
Therefore, as a hunter, I pledge to:

Respect The Environment and Wildlife.

- Show respect for the wildlife you hunt by taking only clean,
killing shots, then retrieving the properly handling your game.
Take only what you will use, even if it is under the legal limit.

- Learn to tread lightly while afield. Use vehicles only on
established roads and trails, practice low-impact camping and
travel, and pack out your trash, including cigarette butts
and spent shell casings.

- Report illegal activities immediately.

Respect Property and Landowners.

- Always get permission to hunt on private land.

- Close any gates you open, and never damage crops or property,
including fenses, outbuildings and livestock.

- Alert landowners or land managers about any problems you
find on their property.

- Share your game with the land owner, or say thank you in
in some other way.

Show Consideration For Nonhunters.

- Remember that the future of hunting depends on hunters and
nonhunters alike. Be considerate of nonhunter's sensibilities,
and strive to leave them with the posoitive images of
hunters and hunting.

- Don't flaunt your kill. Treat game carcasses in the inoffensive
manner, particularly during transport.

- Be considerate of all outdoor users, including other hunters.

Hunt Safely.

- Exercise caution at all times.
- Fire your gun and bow only when you are absolutely sure
of your target and it's background. Use binoculars,
not your rifle scope, to identlify your target.
- Wear hunter orange whenever appropriate or required
while afield.
- Remember that hunting and alcohol don't mix.

Know And Obey The Law.

- Obtain proper tags and licenses.
- Hunt only in allowed areas and during designated times
and seasons. Read hunting regulations carefully.
- Obey bag and possession limits.
- Use only legal hunting methods and equipment.

Support Wildlife And Habitat Conservation.

- Provide hands-on and financial support for conservations of
Game and nongame species and their habitats.
- Learn more about wildlife and habitat issues, and urge
policymakers to support strong conservation initiatives.
- Become involved in wildlife conservation stamps, even if
such stamps are not required for hunting.

Pass ON Ethical Hunting Tradition.

- Ivite a young person or a nonhunter next time you go afield
to scout or hunt.
- Attend a hunter education course, and urge others to do the same.
- Set high ethical standards for future generations of hunters
to help ensure hunting will continue.

Strive To Improve My Outdoor Skills And Understanding Of Wildlife

- Know the limitations of your skills and equipment, and hunt
within those limits.
- Improve your outdoor skills to become more observant,
a better hunter and a better teacher.
- Sight in your firearm and bow, and practice shooting
to ensure a clean kill in the field.
- Learn more about the habits and habitats of game and
nongame wildlife and their management needs.

Hunt Only With Ethical Hunters.

- Take pride in being an ethical hunter.
- Insist that your hunting parteners behave in a responsible,
ethical manner.
- Compete only with yourself.


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