Howdy y'all, welcome to our family web page.
We hope that you will find something of interest
as we will have many different areas of information
and likes.
We wanted to be able to share things with our family
and friends since we are far away from them all.
We are always making new friends on the Internet also,
and this gives you a chance to know us a little bit more
personally as we share our lives with each one of you.
When I get a chance, I update the pages or add something
new, so you might want to check back often, especially
when new inspirations hit me.
The links below will take you to our individual pages and
you will find more links off these pages to more things.
We would love to hear from each of you, so if you have a
moment please sign our guest books to let us know you have
stopped by. We will try to answer and send a thank you
to everyone.
So come on in, take your coat off and sit a spell.
We welcome you to our Smithville.
This award was given to me by two very special people,
Mystify and Hope. It was a gift from them to me, just
to say,"Billie, you are special to us". Well, I want
everyone else to know that they are special to me too.
Without their love and support I wouldn't be where I am today.
It is a feeling worth sharing with everyone to have such
wonderful friends and that is why I am sharing it with
Billie's World
- This is my world filled with my interests and links to friends pages
BowHunter's Paradise
- Mitch's hunting haven
BillieBaca's Cookbook
- This is my cookbook, go check it out for some yummy recipes
- This is my oldest daughter Dawns web page.. Full of cats and links for kids
Billie's Numerology
- This is a page I did on numerology and some links you can visit to have free charts done
Melinda's Rabbit Hole
- My youngest daughters web page with rabbits and links to kids places
Billies Tarot
- This is a site I created on Tarot, stop by and learn and enjoy
Billies Friends
- This is a page I dedicated to all of my friends on the web
Billie's- It's Poetry
- This is a page for my poetry, please visit it is you enjoy deep emotions
~~~ Educational Help~~~
- Kidz Guide To The Internet
- Lots of links to information for kids for fun or educational
- National Inventors Hall of Fame
- Lots of info on inventions and inventors
- Homework Central
- One of the Internets biggest study collections
- FunBrain.Com
- Education site for kids of all ages
- Merriam-Webster
- Merriam-Webster language center
- Chemical Elements.Com
- Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements
- Reference Desk
- Best source for facts on the net
- Discovery Channel School
- The Discovery Channel School teaches kids
- James Willms's Favorite URL's
- James has tons of links for everything to do with learning
- Virtual Reference Sites
- Over 2,500 of the most popular information reference locations and tools on the web
- The Math Forum
- Unbelievable programs, lessons and more on math
- One Look Dictionary
- 2840801 words in 560 dictionaries
- Language Translations with Systram
- Translate English into many languages or many languages into English
Smithville City Limits
Please leave your mark in Smithville.

Smithvilles population of and growing.