(Esquire, John Lennard I) (~1459 - 1530) - male
b. ABT. 1459 in Knole, Kent, ENG
d. 1530 in ENG

father: Lennard, George(~1427 - )
mother: Matilda, ?(~1443 - )
spouse: Bird, Anne (~1458 - )
- m. ABT. 1475

----------child: Lennard, John (1479 - 1554)
(Sir), Edmund Fitzalan (~1335 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1335

father: Arundel), Richard Fitzalan (10th Earl of(~1305 - 1375)
mother: Despenser, Isabel(~1306 - )
spouse: de Montagu, Sibyl (~1334 - )
- m. ABT. 1356 in Donyatt, Somerset, ENG

----------child: Fitzalan, Philippa (~1360 - )
(Sir), John Colville (~1350 - 1405) - male
b. ABT. 1350 in Arncliffe, Yorkshire, ENG
d. 20 Aug 1405 in Durham, Durham Co., ENG

father: (Sir), William de Colville(~1320 - ~1380)
mother: Faucomberge, Joan(~1320 - )
spouse: D'Arcy, Alice (~1350 - 1405)
- m. ABT. 1370 in ENG

----------child: Colville, Isabel (~1375 - )
(Sir), Richard Sargeaux (~1350 - 1393) - male
b. ABT. 1350
d. 1393

spouse: Fitzalan, Philippa (~1360 - )
----------child: Sargeaux, Philippa (1381 - )
(Sir), Robert Pashley (1370 - 1406) - male
b. 1370
d. 1406

spouse: Sargeaux, Philippa (1381 - )
----------child: Pashley, Anne (~1405 - )
(Sir), William de Colville (~1320 - ~1380) - male
b. ABT. 1320 in Arncliffe, Yorkshire, ENG
d. ABT. 1380 in ENG

spouse: Faucomberge, Joan (~1320 - )
- m. ABT. 1340 in ENG

----------child: (Sir), John Colville (~1350 - 1405)
?, Barbara (*1771 - ) - female
spouse: Radabaugh, Jonas (1767 - )
?, Charlie (1860 - 1897) - male
b. 1860
d. 1897

spouse: Ewing, Dova (1862 - 1944)
?, Elizabeth (*1749 - ) - female
spouse: Radabaugh, Heinrich (1745 - >1764)
?, Elizabeth (*1801 - ) - female
spouse: Arthur, Alexander (1797 - 1883)
?, Julia (1855 - 1895) - female
b. 1855
d. 1895

spouse: Radabaugh, James Wesley (1856 - 1937)
?, Margaret (*1774 - ) - female
spouse: Radabaugh, Benjamin (*1770 - )
?, Mary (*1771 - ) - female
spouse: Radabaugh, Jacob (1767 - )
?, Susanna (*1736 - ) - female
spouse: Radabaugh, George (1736 - 1793)
----------child: Radabaugh, Catherine (1760 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, John Jacob (1763 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Maria Elizabeth (1764 - 1777)
----------child: Radabaugh, Anna Cattrina (1766 - 1777)
----------child: Radabaugh, Johannes (1768 - 1861)
----------child: Radabaugh, Benjamin (*1770 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Christina (1773 - 1779)
??, Catherine (*1713 - ) - female
spouse: Rinker, Jacob (*1709 - )
----------child: Rinker, Jacob (*1744 - )
________, Alice (*1277 - ) - female
spouse: Throckmorton, Robert (1275 - )
----------child: Throckmorton, Giles (~1300 - )
Abbott, Arvilla (*1838 - ) - female
spouse: Jenkins, James A. (1840 - )
----------child: Jenkins, Clarence (1864 - )
----------child: Jenkins, James C. (1868 - )
Abrams, Basil (1790 - ) - male
b. 1790

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, Basil (~1805 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1805

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Dianna (1794 - ) - female
b. 1794

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, Elias (1774 - ) - male
b. 1774

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, Elias (~1809 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1809

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Elizabeth (1816 - ) - female
b. 1816 in Madison Co., KY
d. in Nelsonville, OH

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
spouse: Crawford, John Milton (1808 - )
- m. 15 Aug 1830 in Madison County, KY

----------child: Crawford, James (1833 - )
----------child: Crawford, Macdonald (1841 - )
----------child: Crawford, Francis Marion (1843 - )
----------child: Crawford, Peggy (*1845 - )
----------child: Crawford, Jane (*1845 - )
----------child: Crawford, Elizabeth (1846 - )
----------child: Crawford, Basil (1851 - )
----------child: Crawford, Mary J (1856 - )
Abrams, Gabriel (1775 - ) - male
b. 1775

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, Gabriel (1818 - ) - male
b. 1818

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Henry (*1716 - ) - male
spouse: Spencer, Rhoda (*1720 - )
----------child: Abrams, Thomas (1751 - 1818)
Abrams, Henry (1771 - ) - male
b. 1771

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, Jesse (1782 - ) - male
b. 1782

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Abrams, John (~1814 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1814

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Joseph (~1781 - ~1852) - male
b. ABT. 1781 in Fayette Co., PA
d. ABT. 1852 in Madison Co., KY

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
spouse: Persefield, Elizabeth (*1783 - )
- m. 27 Mar 1804 in Madison County, KY

----------child: Abrams, Massie Percival (~1800 - )
----------child: Abrams, Basil (~1805 - )
----------child: Abrams, Thomas (1806 - )
----------child: Abrams, Elias (~1809 - )
----------child: Abrams, Joseph (~1812 - )
----------child: Abrams, John (~1814 - )
----------child: Abrams, Elizabeth (1816 - )
----------child: Abrams, Gabriel (1818 - )
----------child: Abrams, Samuel (~1820 - )
Abrams, Joseph (~1812 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1812

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Massie Percival (~1800 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1800

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Samuel (~1820 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1820

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Thomas (1751 - 1818) - male
b. 1751 in VA
d. 1818 in Estill, Madison Co., KY

father: Abrams, Henry(*1716 - )
mother: Spencer, Rhoda(*1720 - )
spouse: Friend, Juria Jemmia (1754 - )
- m. ABT. 1768 in Bedford Co., PA

----------child: Abrams, Henry (1771 - )
----------child: Abrams, Elias (1774 - )
----------child: Abrams, Gabriel (1775 - )
----------child: Abrams, Thomas II (1777 - )
----------child: Abrams, Joseph (~1781 - ~1852)
----------child: Abrams, Jesse (1782 - )
----------child: Abrams, Basil (1790 - )
----------child: Abrams, Dianna (1794 - )
Abrams, Thomas (1806 - ) - male
b. 4 Jan 1806

father: Abrams, Joseph(~1781 - ~1852)
mother: Persefield, Elizabeth(*1783 - )
Abrams, Thomas II (1777 - ) - male
b. 1777

father: Abrams, Thomas(1751 - 1818)
mother: Friend, Juria Jemmia(1754 - )
Adams, William (*1806 - ) - male
spouse: Arthur, Elizabeth Betsy (1810 - 1865)
Adkinson, Maria (*1823 - ) - female
spouse: Arthur, James (1819 - )
Allen, Anna (*1913 - ) - female
father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
spouse: Swaney, ? (*1909 - )
Allen, Charles Parker (1931 - 1962) - male
b. 21 Jan 1931
d. 27 Jan 1962 in Caldwell Cemetary

father: Allen, Howard Leo(1901 - )
mother: Stockman, Elizabeth Dorothea(1903 - )
spouse: Mason, Letalee (*1934 - )
----------child: Allen, Sheila (private)
----------child: Allen, Jeffrey (private)
Allen, Charles W. (1879 - 1956) - male
b. 1879
d. 1956

father: Allen, Jefferson(*1847 - )
mother: Landrum, Mandana(1854 - 1888)
spouse: McGuire, Harriet (*1879 - )
----------child: Allen, Howard Leo (1901 - )
----------child: Allen, Louise (*1913 - )
----------child: Allen, Mildred (*1913 - )
----------child: Allen, Helen (*1913 - )
----------child: Allen, Anna (*1913 - )
----------child: Allen, Marshall (*1913 - )
Allen, Cindy Sue (private) - female
father: Allen, Harold Richard(1926 - )
mother: French, Vivian(*1930 - )
Allen, Cynthia Jane (*1857 - ) - female
spouse: Keller, Andrew Jackson (1854 - )
- m. 26 Oct 1876 in Parke Co., IN

Allen, Dwight (private) - male
father: Allen, Howard Leo(1901 - )
mother: Stockman, Elizabeth Dorothea(1903 - )
spouse: Whipps, Carolyn (private)
----------child: Allen, Maryann Elizabeth (private)
Allen, Harold Richard (1926 - ) - male
b. 6 Jun 1926

father: Allen, Howard Leo(1901 - )
mother: Stockman, Elizabeth Dorothea(1903 - )
spouse: French, Vivian (*1930 - )
----------child: Allen, Terry Joe (private)
----------child: Allen, Cindy Sue (private)
----------child: Allen, Kyle (private)
Allen, Helen (*1913 - ) - female
father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
spouse: Anderson, ? (*1909 - )
Allen, Howard Leo (1901 - ) - male
b. 1 Jul 1901

father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
spouse: Stockman, Elizabeth Dorothea (1903 - )
- m. 25 Aug 1925

----------child: Allen, Harold Richard (1926 - )
----------child: Allen, Charles Parker (1931 - 1962)
----------child: Allen, Dwight (private)
Allen, James (*1828 - ) - male
spouse: Arthur, Margaret (1832 - )
Allen, Jefferson (*1847 - ) - male
spouse: Landrum, Mandana (1854 - 1888)
- m. 1872

----------child: Allen, Thomas (*1862 - 1857)
----------child: Allen, Charles W. (1879 - 1956)
----------child: Allen, Orin C. (*1884 - )
----------child: Allen, Josie (*1884 - )
----------child: Allen, Myrtle (*1884 - )
Allen, Jeffrey (private) - male
father: Allen, Charles Parker(1931 - 1962)
mother: Mason, Letalee(*1934 - )
Allen, Josie (*1884 - ) - female
father: Allen, Jefferson(*1847 - )
mother: Landrum, Mandana(1854 - 1888)
spouse: McNeal, ? (*1880 - )
- m. in Ashville, Pickaway Co., OH

Allen, Kyle (private) - male
father: Allen, Harold Richard(1926 - )
mother: French, Vivian(*1930 - )
Allen, Louise (*1913 - ) - female
father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
spouse: Brust, ? (*1909 - )
Allen, Marshall (*1913 - ) - male
father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
Allen, Maryann Elizabeth (private) - female
father: Allen, Dwight(private)
mother: Whipps, Carolyn(private)
Allen, Mildred (*1913 - ) - female
father: Allen, Charles W.(1879 - 1956)
mother: McGuire, Harriet(*1879 - )
spouse: Ralston, ? (*1909 - )
Allen, Myrtle (*1884 - ) - female
father: Allen, Jefferson(*1847 - )
mother: Landrum, Mandana(1854 - 1888)
spouse: James, ? (*1880 - )
Allen, Orin C. (*1884 - ) - male
father: Allen, Jefferson(*1847 - )
mother: Landrum, Mandana(1854 - 1888)
Allen, Sheila (private) - female
father: Allen, Charles Parker(1931 - 1962)
mother: Mason, Letalee(*1934 - )
Allen, Terry Joe (private) - male
father: Allen, Harold Richard(1926 - )
mother: French, Vivian(*1930 - )
Allen, Thomas (*1862 - 1857) - male
d. 1857

father: Allen, Jefferson(*1847 - )
mother: Landrum, Mandana(1854 - 1888)
Aller, Eva (*1601 - ) - female
spouse: Andreas, Fredrich (*1594 - )
- m. 11 Jan 1607/08

----------child: Andreas, Johannetha Maria Catharina (*1674 - )
Alt, Elizabeth (r1737 - r1813) - female
b. 1726-1749
d. 1786-1840

father: Alt, Michael(*1702 - )
mother: Catherine, ?(*1706 - )
spouse: Buzzard, Henry (1725 - 1791)
- m. 1760 in South Branch of Potomac, Hardy Co., WV

----------child: Buzzard, Catherine (1761 - 1851)
----------child: Buzzard, Barbara (1770 - )
----------child: Buzzard, Reuben (1772 - )
----------child: Buzzard, Michael (1775 - )
----------child: Buzzard, Leonard (1778 - )
----------child: Buzzard, Henry (1780 - 1841)
----------child: Buzzard, Martin (1782 - )
----------child: Buzzard, Soloman (1784 - )
Alt, Michael (*1702 - ) - male
b. in Ship Janet from Rotterdam--William Cunningham, Capt.

spouse: Catherine, ? (*1706 - )
----------child: Alt, Elizabeth (r1737 - r1813)
Anders, ? (*1625 - ) - male
----------child: Dalbo, William (1660 - 1711)
Andersdotter, Anna (1638 - 1724) - female
b. 1638 in Sweden
d. 1724 in St. Paul's Churchyard, Chester Co., PA

father: Finn, Anders Anderson The(1610 - >1673)
mother: Goolbrandt, Christina(*1610 - )
spouse: Fr„Nde, Nils Larsson (1630 - 1686)
- m. Nov 1656 in Swedish Log Ch, Tinicum Island, PA

----------child: Nilsdotter, Brigitta (1657 - 1713)
----------child: Friend, Andrew (1659 - 1748)
----------child: Nilsdotter, Catherine (1661 - 1721)
----------child: Nilsdotter, Anna Mary (1663 - 1720)
----------child: Friend, John (1666 - 1737)
----------child: Nilsdotter, Susanna (1670 - 1735)
----------child: Nilsdotter, Sarah (1672 - >1717)
----------child: Friend, Gabriel (1674 - 1752)
----------child: Friend, Lawrence (1676 - 1754)
----------child: Nilsdotter, Barbara (1678 - >1739)
Andersdotter, Wendla Sofia (1845 - 1921) - female
b. 1845 in Tolebo, lem Parish, M”nster†s, Kalmar, Sweden
d. 1921 in Kaplansg†rden, L. V†ngersl„t, Aby

father: Jonsson, Anders(1761 - 1856)
mother: Jonsdotter, Anna Marie(1805 - 1859)
spouse: Olsson, Per August (1841 - 1915)
----------child: Palmregn, August Persson (1867 - 1945)
----------child: Peterson, Alfred Egidius Persson (1869 - 1940)
----------child: Persson, Axel Julius (1873 - )
----------child: Persson, Josef Emanuel (1876 - )
----------child: Persson, Eric Petrus Valentin (1879 - )
----------child: Persson, Syster Selma Vilhelmina (1883 - )
----------child: Persson, Ottilia (1886 - )
Anderson, ? (*1909 - ) - male
spouse: Allen, Helen (*1913 - )
Anderson, John R. (*1814 - ) - male
spouse: Bowman, Jane (1818 - )
Andersson, Niels (1702 - 1782) - male
b. 1702
d. 1782 in Aslem†la, lem Parish, M”nster†s, Kalmar, Sweden

spouse: Jonsdotter, Kirstin (1707 - )
----------child: Nielsson, Olof (1735 - 1810)
Andreas, Fredrich (*1594 - ) - male
spouse: Aller, Eva (*1601 - )
- m. 11 Jan 1607/08

----------child: Andreas, Johannetha Maria Catharina (*1674 - )
Andreas, Johannetha Maria Catharina (*1674 - ) - female
father: Andreas, Fredrich(*1594 - )
mother: Aller, Eva(*1601 - )
spouse: Berg, Johann Wilhelm (1663 - 1750)
- m. 11 Jan 1707/08

----------child: Berg, Peter (1712 - 1773)
Annabel, Jane (~1542 - ) - female
b. ABT. 1542 in Bury, St. Edmunds, Suffolk, ENG

father: Annabel, John(~1515 - )
spouse: Hill, William (1543 - )
- m. ABT. 1565

----------child: Hill, Mary (~1568 - )
Annabel, John (~1515 - ) - male
b. ABT. 1515 in Norwich, Norfolk, ENG

----------child: Annabel, Jane (~1542 - )
Argobast, Michael Jr. (*1766 - ) - male
spouse: Buzzard, Barbara (1770 - )
Arnold, Archibald (*1835 - ) - male
d. in McArthur, Vinton Co., OH

spouse: Throckmorton, Elizabeth (1820 - 1902)
- m. 1878

Arthur, Abraham (1802 - ) - male
b. 1802

father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: Arthur, Tempie (*1806 - )
Arthur, Alexander (1797 - 1883) - male
b. 1797
d. 1883

father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: ?, Elizabeth (*1801 - )
Arthur, America (1825 - ) - female
b. 1825

father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Davis, Samuel H. (*1821 - )
Arthur, Amos (1791 - 1874) - male
b. 1791
d. 1874 in Auglaize Co, OH

father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Elliott, Anna A. (1796 - 1883)
----------child: Arthur, Cynthia A. (1829 - )
----------child: Arthur, Jane (1832 - )
----------child: Arthur, William A. (1833 - )
----------child: Arthur, Joel Jackson (1833 - 1919)
Arthur, Andrew (1829 - 1883) - male
b. 1829
d. 1883

father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Bess, Isabella R. (*1833 - )
Arthur, Angeline (1841 - ) - female
b. 1841

father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Dolton, Isom (*1837 - )
Arthur, Ann (1835 - ) - female
b. 1835

father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Johnson, Henry (*1831 - )
Arthur, Azariah (1797 - 1886) - male
b. 20 Jun 1797 in Greenbrier Co, WV
d. 1886

father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Spriggs, Nancy Anne (1812 - 1847)
- m. 31 Jan 1836 in Jackson Co, OH

----------child: Arthur, Joel (1836 - 1838)
----------child: Arthur, Nancy (1836 - )
----------child: Arthur, Sarah Jane (1839 - )
----------child: Arthur, Angeline (1841 - )
----------child: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin (1843 - 1913)
----------child: Arthur, Thomas William (1845 - 1917)
----------child: Arthur, Iva Euline (1847 - )
Arthur, Azariah (1833 - 1906) - male
b. 1833
d. 1906

father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Havens, Rebecca (*1837 - )
Arthur, Benjamin Franklin (1794 - 1860) - male
b. 1794 in Bedford Co, VA
d. 1860 in Jackson Co, OH

father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Radabaugh, Catherine (1798 - 1874)
- m. 14 Feb 1817 in Jackson Co, OH

----------child: Arthur, Henry (1818 - )
----------child: Arthur, Margaret (1819 - )
----------child: Arthur, Cynthia (1821 - )
----------child: Arthur, Joel C. (1822 - 1866)
----------child: Arthur, Delilah (1825 - )
----------child: Arthur, Fidella Jane (1829 - 1903)
----------child: Arthur, Charlotte A. (1832 - )
----------child: Arthur, James Milton (1835 - 1891)
----------child: Arthur, Vinton (1837 - 1838)
----------child: Arthur, John Taylor (1838 - )
----------child: Arthur, William H. (1838 - 1908)
----------child: Arthur, Silas M. K. (~1839 - 1924)
----------child: Arthur, Permelia Ellen (1840 - 1903)
Arthur, Benjamin Franklin (1843 - 1913) - male
b. 1843
d. 1913

father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Blake, Jenetta (*1847 - )
Arthur, Chandler (1777 - 1872) - male
b. 1777
d. 1872

father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth (1780 - 1853)
----------child: Arthur, Alexander (1797 - 1883)
----------child: Arthur, Abraham (1802 - )
----------child: Arthur, Isaac (1805 - 1866)
----------child: Arthur, Rebecca (1807 - 1887)
----------child: Arthur, Mary Polly (1810 - )
----------child: Arthur, Chandler Jr. (*1811 - )
----------child: Arthur, Susan (1819 - )
----------child: Arthur, John (1820 - )
----------child: Arthur, Thomas (1822 - )
----------child: Arthur, Phoebe (1825 - )
Arthur, Chandler Jr. (*1811 - ) - male
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
Arthur, Charlotte A. (1832 - ) - female
b. 1832

father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Lackey, Inquestha (*1828 - )
Arthur, Cynthia (1821 - ) - female
b. 1821 in Jackson Co, OH

father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Yeager, William J. (*1817 - )
Arthur, Cynthia (1839 - 1905) - female
b. 1839
d. 1905

father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Null, James Washington (*1835 - )
Arthur, Cynthia A. (1829 - ) - female
b. 1829

father: Arthur, Amos(1791 - 1874)
mother: Elliott, Anna A.(1796 - 1883)
Arthur, Delilah (1825 - ) - female
b. 1825 in Jackson Co, OH

father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Dalrimple, ?? (*1821 - )
Arthur, Elizabeth (1798 - 1843) - female
b. 1798 in GreenBriar Co., WV
d. 1843

father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Radabaugh, Jesse (1796 - 1846)
- m. 17 Mar 1816 in Gallia Co, OH

----------child: Radabaugh, Lewis (1817 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Anna (~1818 - 1858)
----------child: Radabaugh, John (1819 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Mary (1821 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Harvey (1822 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Nancy (1824 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Wilson (1825 - 1878)
----------child: Radabaugh, Martha J. (1827 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Joel (1830 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Catherine (1832 - 1896)
----------child: Radabaugh, Jordan (1834 - 1904)
----------child: Radabaugh, William James (1840 - 1910)
Arthur, Elizabeth (1818 - ) - female
b. 1818

father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Tolbert, Charles (*1814 - )
Arthur, Elizabeth Betsy (1810 - 1865) - female
b. 1810
d. 1865

father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Adams, William (*1806 - )
Arthur, Fidella Jane (1829 - 1903) - female
b. 1829 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 1903

father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Shumate, Marcus (*1825 - )
Arthur, Grandial (1824 - ) - female
b. 1824

father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Higgins, John (*1820 - )
Arthur, Henry (1818 - ) - male
b. 1818 in Jackson Co, OH

father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)

next - go to surnames