Wherever you are,
I have spent my life with you afar.
I want to know my family's past,
but my time with you did not last.
I've searched far and wide for you to be
back in my life and here with me.
My life is a hole, cut from my heart
Why did we ever have to part?
Born December 8th, 1980
I've really been needing you lately
If you're really out there, Mom,
Email me at Windswept17@hotmail.com
April 9, 2001
Hello everyone. I know it has been forever (almost 2 years) since I've done a major page update and I feel guilty. Right now I am computer-less (but hopefully not for long) so I have no access to do updates. Fortunatly, the search site is self maintaining and is running wonderfully!! I hope to be back soon and helping everyone just as much as I possibly can! Thank you all for your support and good luck in your searches. Kara Klautzer (Windswept)
I know that many people out there are searching for their birth parents , birth family, or children given up for adoption. This site is to help people, like me, find who they are looking for. Please email me at the link above and give me the information on who you are looking for, the birthdate, and location of birth... anything you can think of! I will put it into my site and set this up as a search center. Thank you, and good luck to everyone.
New Adoption Search Site!!!
New, Automated search!!
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May 9
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Kara Klautzer.
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All images, webrings, and writings are the work of Kara Klautzer (Windswept). Please do not remove any of these items. For permission to use them, email her here. This page is copyrighted as of 1998 by Whyvern Designs.