SPIN Communication Line


The idea of this chat room is to meet other people from anywhere around the world, plus this chat will never be empty there is always someone here to talk to (usually 15 or more). If this room is too crowded for you you can create a channel and ask someone to chat with you privately. You'll need a Java capable browser to see the chat box. There are ten simple comands for you to learn so you can enjoy this chat experiece more and they are listed below. If you are having any problems please E -Mail me. ENJOY!!!

[1] Commands always start with a period (.) or a back slash (/)
[2] .quit--------------------- to quit
[3] .msg(person name)(your text)----sends a message to that person.
[4] .help--------------------- to get this help page
[5] .who(channelname)---------to get list of people on that channel
[6] .whois(person's name)-----to get info on that person
[7] .list--------to get a channel list
[8] .join(channelname)----------to create or join that channel
[9] .users-----------list of users
[10] .me(action)---------to send an action(ex. .me I'm laughing)

Please get a Java capable browser!

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If you are having any problems with this Chat Room please feel free to E-Mail Me

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to check out the SPIN Chat Room since Jan/3/98
