![]() Crime Prevention & Victims' ResourcesCrime PreventionNational Crime Prevention Council -- an "independent, voluntary council ... to develop strategies to empower individuals and their communities to improve their safety, security and well being". Community involvement is their main strategy - they are independent, but do receive at least some of their funding from the Canadian government. International Centre for the Prevention of Crime -- for a more global perspective. They are based in Montreal, and Canada was one of its first members. Also ...Assault Prevention Information Network -- for advise on how to prevent victimisation. Safer Cities - A Parliamentarian's Crime Prevention Guide -- provides "relevant and accessible background information" on the crime situation in Canada; target hardening; crime prevention through social development; cost of crime; national crime prevention initiatives; violence in the home; relevant facts & figures; community policing & corrections and more. Crime Prevention Handbook -- of the Winnipeg Police Force. Learn how to prevent bike or car theft, how to conduct a community safety audit, pro-active crime prevention for businesses and the like. Crime Prevention Virtual Bookshelf -- of the Peel Regional Police. For full articles on alarm systems; target hardening; robbery prevention; parking lot safety and more. Your Practical Guide to Crime Prevention -- from the British Home Office. This covers risk reduction in terms of your personal safety, your home, family, posessions and community. Youth Change -- if your concern is with early intervention for children, check this one out: it's a commercial site and they want you to sign up for their workshops and stuff, but you can still browse through some of the techniques they recommend and read their latest newsletters. Towards World Change: Setting the Stage for Community Safety -- information about this crime prevention conference held in Vancouver, B.C, in spring 1996. The Ninth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders -- resolutions and documents from this 1995 congress held in Egypt; also outlines Canada's position and role. Victims ResourcesCanadian SitesCAVEAT -- Canadians Aganist Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination, one of the bigger national victims' rights groups. Well-organized; newsletters, press releases and more; has its own search engine. Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre -- "a feminist collective whose primary goal is reflected in a commitment to work towards the eradication of sexual violence against women and children". The Fair Justice Society -- a volunteer-based group mainly based in B.C. "advocating community and provincial reform to the legal Justice System in Canada"; mainly concerend with victims, especially those of domestic violence; also look at their version of a Victim Impact Statement form. CRY -- Crime, Responsibility and Youth, a smaller grassroots group out of British Columbia active in fighting juvenile crime. RCMP Victims Services Programme -- this one is located in Alberta and comes with some interesting links to victims' resources. American SitesSexual Assault Information Page -- a "not-for-profit information and referral service" dealing with all kinds of sexual assault and abuse; also includes information on prevention, resources and a newsletter. DOVE -- Dignity of Victims Everywhere, a site run by parents of murdered children; check out an interesting link to the Homicide Victims Resource Page to find out about the impact of homicide on the surviving family members and friends' of the victim. The National Organization for Victim Assistance -- NOVA, a "private non-profit, umbrella organization working on behalf of victims of crime"; victims' rights group and educational resource. Office for Victims of Crime -- OVC, a U.S government site. ![]() Like this site? Why not tell your friends? Thanks a lot! [Alternative Justice] [Juvenile Delinquency] [Police & Anti-Police] [Criminology Grad Schools] |