Description Of Powers:

Intelligence: Ability to think
Learning Impaired (major mental deficiencies) 
Below Normal (minor mental deficiencies) 
Normal (possessing an intelligence quotient that is approximately average) 
Above Normal (possessing an significantly higher than average IQ) 
Gifted (possessing an significantly higher than average IQ and creative talents) 
Genius (possessing an extremely high IQ and creative talents) 
Extraordinary Genius (possessing an significantly higher than average IQ and creative talents) 
Superhuman (possessing genius in virtually all intellectual areas) 
Immeasurable (alien, "omniscient")
Strength: Ability to lift weight above one's head with arms fully extended
Below Normal (cannot lift one's own body weight) 
Normal (able to lift one's own body weight) 
Athlete (able to lift from one's own body weight to double one's own body weight) 
Peak Human (able to lift from double one's own body weight to 800 pound range) 
Enhanced Human (able to lift in the 800 pound - 2 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 10 (able to lift in the 2 - 10 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 25 (able to lift in the 10 - 25 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 50 (able to lift in the 25 - 50 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 75 (able to lift in the 50 - 75 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 90 (able to lift in the 75 - 90 ton range) 
Superhuman Class 100 (able to lift in the 90 - 100 ton range) 
Incalculable (able to lift in excess of 100 tons)
Speed: Ability to move over land by running 
Below Normal (cannot attain 10-15 mph) 
Normal (peak range: 25-29 mph) 
Athlete (peak range: 32-36 mph) 
Peak Human (peak range: 41-45 mph) 
Enhanced Human (peak range: 61-65 mph) 
Superhuman (peak range: 111-115 mph) 
Subsonic (peak range: 250-500 mph) 
Speed of Sound (able to reach the Mach 1: 770 mph at sea level) 
Supersonic (peak range: Mach 2 - Mach 4.6: 0.22 - 1.0 miles per second) 
Orbital Velocity (peak range: Mach 18.7 to Mach 23.3: 1-5 miles per second; when a runner reaches 
                             this speed he is no longer in contact with the ground and thus not running)
Flight Speed: Ability to move through open air or space by flying 
Hover Only 
Directed Motion Hovering (peak range: 10-30 mph) 
Natural Winged Flight Limit (peak range: 150-160 mph) 
Artificial Winged Flight (peak range: 160-200 mph) 
Subsonic (peak range: 250-500 mph) 
Speed of Sound (able to reach the Mach 1: 770 mph at sea level) 
Supersonic (peak range: Mach 2 - Mach 4.6: 0.22 - 1.0 miles per second) 
Orbital Velocity (peak range: Mach 18.7 to Mach 23.3: 1-5 miles per second; when a runner reaches 
                             this speed he is no longer in contact with the ground and thus not running) 
Escape Velocity (peak range: Mach 32.7: 7 miles per second 
Sub-Light Speed (peak range: 80% - 99.65% light speed: 150,000 - 185,620 miles per second) 
Light Speed (peak range: 186,000 miles per second; cannot be attained by physical beings within Earth's 
Warp Speed (able to enter and traverse through warp space by transcending light speed, cannot be 
                       attained by physical beings within Earth's atmosphere)
Water Speed: Ability to move through water by swimming 
Normal (peak range: 3 - 5 knots) 
Athlete (peak range: 7 - 12 knots) 
Peak Human (peak range: 12 - 15 knots) 
Enhanced Human (peak range: 20 - 25 knots) 
Superhuman (peak range: 50 - 60 knots) 
Maximum (peak range: 700 knots, detrimental environmental effects will occur, causing water to convert 
                   to plasma, etc.) 
NOTE: 1 knot = 1.151 miles per hour
Stamina: Ability to sustain peak exertion before fatigue impairs performance 
Below Normal (unable to sustain for 1 minute) 
Normal (able to sustain for 1 minute) 
Athlete (able to sustain for several minutes) 
Peak Human (able to sustain for up to an hour) 
Enhanced Human (able to sustain for several hours) 
Superhuman (able to sustain for up to a day) 
Metahuman (able to sustain for several days) 
Demi-Godlike (able to sustain for weeks)
Godlike (able to sustain almost indefinitely)
Immeasurable (never tire due to self-generating energy)
 Durability: Ability to resist or recover from bodily injury or disease
Below Normal
Normal (average resilience) 
Athlete (conditioned metabolism enabling efficient healing) 
Peak Human (conditioned metabolism enabling extraordinarily efficient healing) 
Enhanced Human (skin, bone and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than human; 
                                impervious to injury to a certain extent)
Enhanced Human Regenerative (skin, bone and muscle retains human durability but body is able to heal near-lethal injuries 
                                                       by regenerating cells to a limited extent)
Superhuman (skin, bone and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than human; 
                       impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent)
Superhuman Regenerative (able to regenerate injured tissue and brain cells to an extraordinary degree; but not able to 
                                               regenerate missing limbs or organs)
Metahuman (able to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, and virtually all toxins, corrosives, punctures and 
                      concussions without sustaining injury)
Metahuman Regenerative (able to regenerate injured or missing brain cells, tissue, limbs or organs)
Demi-Godlike (able to withstand all injury short of a direct nuclear explosion)
Demi-Godlike Regenerative (able to heal all injury short of a direct nuclear explosion)
Godlike (able to reconstitute body after total molecular disintegration)
Totally Indestructible (absolutely cannot be injured)
Agility: Ability to move the body with flexibility and coordination 
Below Normal 
Normal (Average) 
Athlete (Above Average) 
Peak Human (Significantly Above Average) 
Enhanced Human (beyond the natural limits of the human body) 
Superhuman (significantly beyond the natural limits of the human body) 
Metahuman (extraordinarily beyond the natural limits of the human body) 
Reflexes: Reaction Time
Below Normal 
Normal (Average) 
Athlete (Above Average) 
Peak Human (Significantly Above Average) 
Enhanced Human (beyond the natural limits of the human body) 
Superhuman (virtually instantaneous) 
Metahuman (instantaneous)