Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Fire On The Mountain Part 3 (Our next scene features Ninjara picking up all the Protectons and about to embark on their assignment.) NINJARA Everybody strap in and hang on. Next stop, Chile. (Off they fly...Moments later the MI-24 touches down outside a nearby village.) NINJARA Master, if the Force has revealed to me, General Parvo's headed for a mining town somewhere near here. ANASTASIA Good luck at the inca temple. NINJARA Thanks, I'll need all the luck I get. DOC BROWN Alliance, transform! (One by one the canosapiens and humans change into their cars and trucks then race off to do combat. At the same time inside the village the Terrakors are busy stealing steel and other componets needed to rebuild the Laser Cannon. People flee in terror!) MASTER I predict the Empire is in the neighborhood. BALTO I hope so, Jen and I have a score to settle with those baddies. MASTER Welcome to the club wolf. (The convoy enters the town. Master crashes through the doors of the factory startling Parvo who turns to glance over his shoulder...Before he can make a move, the cyborg is struck and sent flying through the air and out through the wall into the courtyard outside. Changing into his human form William Shepherd orders) MASTER Now Rovers, finish him off! (Stunned, the general attempts to pick up his wrist-laser gun but before he can, Jenna roars by and snatches it up herself! The lady husky then brakes, morphs and takes aim at the shocked terrorist leader!) JENNA Just what I always wanted! Now let's see how Parvo likes a dose of his own medecine! (With that she fires on him! The blast strikes the general in the chest, knocking him onto his butt while the recoil drops Jenna onto her tail.) JENNA Wow! Now that was a kick... Hey give that back you bird-brain! (The T-1000 returns the gun to its master...Parvo re-attaches weapon to his wrist and glowers at the Rover) PARVO No one does that to me, and continues to live! (With that he returns fire! Jenna ducks out of the way just in time, except that the explosion hits a nearby radio-tower which begins to topple towards a frightened girl who screams in alarm!) VILLAGER GIRL AAAAAAAAAH! DIMITRI Roll for it angel-dog! (Anabelle races towards the terrified girl, Anastasia leans out the driver's door grabs the girl just in time, pulling her inside before the tower hits the ground with a tremendous CRASH!) VILLAGER GIRL You saved my life, I thank you. ANABELLE Hang on kids we're not out of the woods yet! (Laserbeak starts attacking from above, trying to nail the school bus!) VILLAGER GIRL Those evil creatures! They are the ones who stole the ancient crystal of power. (Laserbeak continues firing on Anabelle who keeps manuvering out of harm's way. Just then who should come to the rescue but ACE! The hero of earth takes careful aim with his Pulse Laser Pistol) SPACE ACE Yo homey, smile for the camera Laserbeak, NOT! (He scores a direct hit, sending the T-1000 screeching and spinning off in pain.) ANASTASIA What's this crystal of power? VILLAGER GIRL I will take you to it. (In the meanwhile the cyborg is being fired upon by all the Alliance warriors at the same time so he radios for backup.) PARVO Carmen, I need your assistance immediately. Leave Groomer and Belledona to guard the crystal and come here at once. BELLEDONA How dare you assign me to guard duty Parvo! I am Belle the dark-sorceress! CARMEN SANDIEGO Have fun playing crystal-nurse witch, BYE! (Still laughing she takes off in her F-14 Tomcat form.) (Meanwhile Dimitri, Anastasia, Anabelle and the girl have found a secret entrance into the temple.) VILLAGER GIRL This secret passage will lead us directly into the temple's chamber. (But hiding nearby is Borf, spying on them. He prepares to ambush them) BORF Ravage, eject. Operation destruction! (The space pirate frees the T-800 black cat who takes off in hot pursuit!) (At the same instant, Ninjara touches down at the base of the pyramid temple. She looks around at the ruins then up towards the roof where Groomer and Belle are still standing, their backs turned to her so they do not notice her presence!) NINJARA Hahahaha, I'm too good to be sneaking around like this. I must destroy their weapon. (Suddenly a clicking sound startles the vixen, and turning she sees Groomer with a Pulse Laser Machine Gun aimed at her back!) GROOMER Oh yeah? Well without our new weapon I could fry you extra crispy. Parvo would love that. But that sneaky Belledona would take all the credit. On the other hand, if I let you wreck our new weapon the general would blame Belle, which would make me very happy. (Suddenly the witch steps into view, aiming her own phaser at both vixen and human, a look of rage in her eyes and on her face!) BELLEDONA Groomer?! You stupid, traitor! (Speaking, she unleashes the full fury of her rage. Laser shots from her phaser miss Groomer who ducks, but hits Ninjara her ex-student! The vixen cries in pain, falls over the edge and crashes to the ground below unconsious. Sneering down at her ex-friend, the whippet then turns to threaten the feline mistress) BELLEDONA So much for the Alliance intruder. And as for you traitor, from now on you will do exactly what this sneaky Empire goon tells you. Or I report your treachery to the general and I'll have him confine you to your room for solitary confinement! END OF PART 3