THE BOUNTY HUNTER WAR Part 2: UNITED IN BATTLE Parvo's bulldog ship. The Rover's and Dusty are running down a corridor, cloaker belts turned off, away from fireing Cano-Mutants. Hunter: Blast Parvo and those cloak jammers! Dusty: We have to get out of here! They continue running until they are outside the ship. The mutants keep after them fireing. The Sky Rover is several yards away when Dusty gets shot. Exile and Colleen turn back and get him. Exile uses his freeze vision to stop half of them while Colleen picks up Dusty and heads for the plane. They get inside. Hunter: I'm getting us out of here! The plane starts up and flies off. Several shot from the Mutants hit the plane, including one of the engines. But they manage to get away. Hunter: Damage report! Blitz: Number 2 engine is hit, a fuel line has ruptured and we have damage to the outer hull. Hunter: Colleen, how's Dusty? Colleen: Not good. Hang in there lad. Dusty: I'm...trying. Hunter: We have to get ahold of Outlaw and tell what's going on. Back at Rosie's the shouting has not stopped. Then, all the televisions in the place turn on to reveal Hunter. Hunter: Come in bounty hunters! Outlaw, are you there? Outlaw: Right here Hunter. What's wrong? Hunter: Your all in trouble. Parvo has been using some of you. Travis Miller is dead. Parvo did away with him. Bo Chase is working for Parvo now. As are El Gato Gonzales and George Buttell. Parvo is on his way to the restaurant now to eliminate all the bounty hunters with an entire legion of Cano-Mutants. We barely got away from them. Our plane is shot up badly and are returning to headquarters. We'll get back there as soon as we can. Good luck to all of you. Everyone turns to Bo, El Gato and George. They immediatly surrender. Beowulf: I always thought you were trouble Bo. Outlaw: All right listen up. Let's get organized. A legion of Cano-Mutants will be here any minute. Rosie: You heard him oddballs! Let's move it! Sky Rover. Hunter is still flying. Hunter: Hang on! This is going to be a bumby landing! Colleen: When is it never a bumby landing? The plane enters a hanger made into the rock which then hides itself. The plane bumbs the wall several times. Hunter: Crud, brakes are out. Were going to hit the net barrier. Brace for impact! I'll spare you the details. Let me just say it's not a pretty landing. Inside all the windows are shattered, and every console is smoking. Colleen: I swear that felt like the Saucer landing in Star Trek Generations. Ow. Blitz: Are we, ow, doomed to always have a crash landing. Exile: Sure seems that wayski. Hunter: How's Dusty Colleen? Colleen walks up to Dusty who is straped into a chair that is still upright. She takes his pulse. She looks back and shakes her head. Colleen: Bugger! Blitz: Damn! Hunter: All right. We'll have time to grieve later. Right now we have to help the bounty hunters. Back at Rosie's a line of defense has been set up around the restaurant. In the distance several Bulldog cargo ships are seen. They land and Cano-Mutants line up. Outlaw: Why am I always reminded of the Jem'Hadar from Deep Space Nine when I see them? Wesley: They sure look a lot alike. As one the Mutants start running towards them. Wesley: All right does everyone have de-mutator pistols? Get ready! Jack Nighthawk: How I love a good ol fashoined fire fight. The Cano-Mutants begin firing. Outlaw: OPEN FIRE!! Beams of energy criss-cross everywhere. The de-mutator pistols turns the Mutants back into ordinary dogs. But they still keep coming. One Mutant gets through and tackles one of the defenders bare handed. A shot from another returns him to normal. The sound of a single engine plane is heard. A crop dusting plane comes out of the sky and sprays dusting on the Mutants who double over coughing. Outlaw: It's Hunter's Crop Duster plane! Beowulf: Rock and Roll!! Charlie Grace: YEEEHAWWW!! From above the other Rovers drop down on back jets. Outlaw: Glad you could join us.Colleen: Got here as fast as we could. Colleen runs towards the Mutants. Colleen: HIYA RIO GRANDE!! ORINOCO!! MEKONG!! DANUBE!! MISSISSIPPI!! Blitz: Now is the time for the biting of soft mushy parts! Exile: Don't be a Weird Boy. After intense fighting the Cano-Mutants retreat. The Mutants that are now ordinary dogs are tied up. Rosie's reataurant has suffered some damage. Rosie: What am I gonna do? Outlaw: Relax Rosie. We'll all chip in to help rebuild it. Rosie: Ya mean it? Jack Nighthawk: Sure! We love this place. We'd hate to see it go. Later at Mission Control. Master: There will be a memorial service for Dusty tomorrow. All the former mutants have found homes and Rosie's is back up and running. Hunter: To the Power of the Pack!!All: AWWWWOOOOOO!!!! Mad Dog residence. Outlaw: You sure you can't stay? Buck: Positive. We've had a lead and are going to look into it. Saphire: Good luck. Buck: Thanks mom. Bye dad. Outlaw: Take care Big Buck. You to Princess. Jasmine: Sure will daddy. Wesley: Whew! What a day. I'm ready for bed. The wall monitor beeps and Outlaw answers it. Rosie appears. Rosie: Hi Outlaw. Just wanted to say how grateful I am for everything. Outlaw: No problem. You just keep that place open y'hear. Rosie: Will do. THE END