Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Chapter 5 Divide And Conquer by Scott Space Ace Oliverson (Here is another story continuing the saga of the CIVIL WAR between the Master and Parvo to determine the fate of the future and the universe!) (Story opens in a nearby factory in Moscow, Russia...Employees are busy manufacturing weapons to be used against the evil threat, the Empire!) FACTORY SUPERVISOR If you could use your computer skills to step up our efficiency Vlady, we'll be able to double our weapons output. VLADAMIR I'll give it a try sir. (He begins typing instructions into computer keyboard...Weapons are being invented and delivered into service. Suddenly outside alarms start going off as 3 incoming jet fighters swoop down! Missiles impact into side of building creating a huge hole and the 3 planes race into the warehouse! Shocked Vladamir looks up in horror) VLADAMIR The Empire!!! (The jets morph into Groomer, Carmen SanDiego and Belledona. Soldiers charge the terrorists opening fire. But the bullets bounce off their bodies due to the Darkside magic) BELLEDONA Foolish mortals! CARMEN SANDIEGO Heheahaha, humans run foolishly don't they witch? GROOMER Look out behind you! BELLEDONA Drain this factory of its energy at once. Build the energon cubes! (Carmen and Groomer begin filling the 3-D cubes as Belle supervises. Alarmed the supervisor and Vladamir watch in helpless fear) FACTORY SUPERVISOR There's nothing we can do to stop them. VLADAMIR Well don't fasten your computer chips yet sir. There may still be a few buttons left we can push. (Later at Mission Control, the Master and Anastasia are busy looking for the spacebridge gateway as the other Protectons observe) DOC BROWN Any luck brother? Did you find out where the Terrakor spacebridge will show up next? MASTER I'm afraid not Emmett Brown. I've scanned the area where the bridge first appeared, but my readouts came up to zero. ANASTASIA We might as well return back to Alliance headquarters William. MASTER Wait! I sense a distress signal. It's from Vladamir at the munitions plant. Terrakors attacking... Protectons! Transform and meet me there! HUNTER You heard the boss, roll out! (With that, Hunter, Colleen, Exile, Blitz and Alethia morph into their vehicle disquises and speed away as Dimitri giggles to himself) DIMITRI I don't know when I'll ever get used to that. (Meanwhile back inside the factory...) GROOMER There it is Belle. Every last micro-spark of energy we could drain from this place. FACTORY SUPERVISOR I'm afraid your button pushing was too little, too late. (At that same time Anya and the Master are racing into COMBAT!) BELLEDONA Mission leader to Empire headquarters. Acknowledge Parvo! GENERAL PARVO Parvo here...Report mission leader Belledona. BELLEDONA I have achieved complete success! All the factory's energy is ours. GENERAL PARVO Return with the energon cubes. When I receive new coordinates for the gateway we will transport them to Hill Valley. BELLEDONA As you command my general. But surely you must comend me for my efforts, afterall I was... Protectons! (18-Wheeler barrels through hole and smashes into stack of cubes) VLADAMIR I knew the Protectons wouldn't let me down! (Anya dives out the open driver's door, the sorceress stares in shock) BELLEDONA William Shepherd? MASTER Long time, no see my dear. GENERAL PARVO You outnumber the Master 3-to-1...Take him and destroy him! BELLEDONA With pleasure! CARMEN SANDIEGO Let's get him before he gets us. GROOMER I'm with you! ANASTASIA William! Are you alright? MASTER Affirmitive, but keep back your highness.(At that, Groomer launches her attack!) GROOMER You would have bashed Master 1-on-1 but when Parvo wants a job done, Groomer's got him! (Firing her lasers the feline mistress misses striking the scientist. Now it's Carmen's turn) CARMEN SANDIEGO Heheahaha! You blew it Groomer, but I won't. MASTER Wrong as usual Carmen. VLADAMIR Master watch out! That's a heat-seeking missile! (William uses his lightsaber to deflect the SAM sending it flying through the skylight and exploding harmlessly. Belledona jumps the scientist causing his Jedi Weapon to strike one of the main computers) ANASTASIA Master! The computer...! (Belle is about to finish off the Master but he dropkicks her away.) FACTORY SUPERVISOR It's going to blow! MASTER I will shield you! (The machine explodes, Shepherd staggers backwards energy arcing and sparking around him. Seeing her chance the witch orders her comrades) BELLEDONA Hit him with everything NOW! (All 3 baddies let go with combined firepower. Direct hit slams into Master's body sending the scientist crashing onto the floor. At that the sound of cars can be heard) GROOMER Unidentified vehicles approaching. BELLEDONA Alliance Protectons! GENERAL PARVO Belle, do not fight them. Escape with the energon cubes! (With that, Belledona, Groomer and Carmen scoop up the cubes, morph into their jet plane forms and fly into the sky just as the Rovers speed into the warehouse) EXILE Empire! BLITZ Let me at them, I'll bite their toushies! ANASTASIA You can't Blitz...You gotta help the Master. (Alarmed the canosapiens rush over to their fallen leader) HUNTER NO! What happened to you Master? MASTER Badly wounded, losing blood rapidly. Colleen, can you save me? COLLEEN I hope so, but not here. Can you still transform? MASTER I-I'll try... (Painfully he changes back into his 18-Wheeler form. Now as the convoy drives back to HQ...) VLADAMIR He's got to make it. ANASTASIA I don't know, he got hit really bad. ALETHIA Hey lighten up you russians. The Master's going to pull through, he's got to! END OF PART 1 Alethia (c) Kylen Miles