Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Divide And Conquer Part 2 (Now we see the Terrakors returning to report their sucess of their mission of stealing the energon cubes, and taking out the Master!) GENERAL PARVO What is the condition of the Master? BELLEDONA He has been permantlly wounded. We saw him fall. GENERAL PARVO Fall yes, but can you guarantee his powers in the Force are destroyed? That he is about to be turned to the Darkside? I must be certain, Borf activate Laserbeak. BORF Laserbeak, transform. GENERAL PARVO Come to me. Fly to Alliance headquarters and learn the true condition of William Shepherd. (Laserbeak begins to screech in terror) STEELE I think Laserbeak's chicken! GENERAL PARVO He'll have more to fear if he refuses to obey me. If the Master's power in the Force is almost destroyed we shall destroy the cursed Protectons and none shall stand between us and our conquest of the universe. (Finally Laserbeak arrives at Mission Control...He touches down onto a overhead balcony and begins to videotape images of the Rovers standing around their injured leader) DIMITRI I don't know fellas, it looks bad. GENERAL PARVO Excellent, hehehehahahahah... JEFF What's your diagnoses Colleen? COLLEEN It's a miracle that his injuries are not severe. MASTER Weaker, my skills in the Force are failing me. PENNY He's doomed! I know it, I sense it myself. ANASTASIA There's got to be something we can do. Isn't there honey? DIMITRI I don't know dear. GENERAL PARVO Now Laserbeak, finish him off! (Laserbeak screeches in battle-cry and dives down startling the canosapiens!) DIMITRI What-the?! SPIRIT It's Laserbeak! STAR Stop him! (T-1000 fires energy beams striking the scientist in the chest.) VLADAMIR He's started some chain-reaction inside the Master's body. OUTLAW Stand back everybody, he's going to explode! (A big BOOM shakes the room...Everyone hits the floor. Later...) DIMITRI Everybody okay? ANASTASIA We're fine Dimitri. VLADAMIR What about William Shepherd? MASTER Uhh...functional. But the Force is still failing me. DIMITRI They sure don't build them like that anymore. SPACE ACE Dad, how long do we have until my uncle's powers totally leave him? DOC BROWN Not long son, unless I can replace this. A blood-transfusion kit. I have an extra one of these, not here. ANABELLE Hey talk to me, point me in the right direction. DOC BROWN It's not that simple angel-dog. The first-aid kit I'm talking about is in the Institute in Hill Valley. ANYA AND VLADAMIRHILL VALLEY? DOC BROWN And to make matters worse the Empire have placed booby-traps around the complex and the front door. PENNY I knew it was hopeless, I just knew...mphmphmfmphmff... (Xander places hand over her mouth as he speaks) XANDER We got ourselves a computer wiz who might get us through that door. VLADAMIR Sounds like I just volunteer to pick a lock. Well what are we waiting for? I always wanted to visit another earth in the future. (Meanwhile back at Empire HQ) GENERAL PARVO Without the Master leading them, the Alliance will be helpless. BELLEDONA Then why don't we attack them now leader, it's usually good strategy. GENERAL PARVO We attack when I so order Belledona! Come in Nimnul, acknowledge. NORTON NIMNUL Hail General Parvo. GENERAL PARVO When will the gateway materalize? NORTON NIMNUL Within 100 astro-seconds at these coordinates. (A scene of a countryside appears on the monitor) GENERAL PARVO Excellent Professor. (Back at Mission Control the Rovers are frantically trying to find a way to return to Hill Valley) JEFF But how are we going to get to Hill Valley russian? Even the Master couldn't figure out a clue to the whereabouts of the next gateway. VLADAMIR But Dr. Shepherd didn't use the greatest detective on earth, the Lost In Space Robot. LOST IN SPACE ROBOT AFFIRMATIVE...BY FEEDING ME ALL THE DATA WE HAVE ON THE SPACEBRIDGE'S LAST APPEARANCE...I MIGHT BE ABLE TO PREDICT WHERE THE NEW GATEWAY WILL APPEARNEXT... (Robot starts scrolling through numbers, letters, symbols that flash on his mini-monitor built into his body.) ANASTASIA Hey, just like Sherlock Holmes with compact discs. SPIRIT Come on Robot...Master's running out of time! (Dr. Shepherd lies moaning on operating table being assisted by his nephew Ace, secretary Kim, Colleen and Doc Brown) END OF PART 2 Outlaw (c) Greg Williams Penny (c) Nicole Messina Xander and Star (c) Kathrine Gore Spirit (c) Connie Smernos