Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Divide And Conquer Part 4 (Scene now shows a sad, somber sight...At Mission Control the Alliance are faced with the ultimate nightmare that William Shepherd may be dead!) DIMITRI I'm sorry Anya. Sometime's nothing you do makes any difference. ANASTASIA The Master, dead? LOST IN SPACE ROBOT DANGER...DANGER! I DETECT ENEMY APPROACHING...WE ARE UNDER ATTACK...DANGER WILLIAM SHEPHERD, DANGER!...(Rovers rush to look at Big Screen in alarm) KIMBERLY Empire Terrakors, looks like all of them. SPACE ACE Oh holy (Swear word) Without my uncle we're no match for the Empire. ANASTASIA We can't go down without trying! Master would want us to go for it, no matter what the odds! Well are you with me? Or do I fight this battle alone?! DIMITRI Dear, you can't! ALETHIA But we can! We got your message Anastasia...Protectons, transform! (The canosapiens change into the vehicle forms) COLLEEN Doc Brown and I will stay here to guard the Master. ALETHIA ROLL FOR IT ROVERS! (And so Exile, Blitz, Hunter, Jenna, Balto and Alethia race off to do KOMBAT. Moments later outside the base) JENNA Can you get a fix on the enemy's location Balto? BALTO Radar detects Terrakors closing in on our coordinates Jen. ANASTASIA Forget the radar here they come! Alright rovers, LET THEM HAVE IT! GENERAL PARVO Take no hostages! (Cyborg general touches down and begins to return fire with his wrist laser gun. Steele, Star, Kaltag, Nikki, Carmen & Groomer engage with the Rovers in hand to hand combat...Borf releases his allies) BORF Ravage, eject. (The T-800 endoskeleton black cat morphs into action. Snarling it closes in on the princess who turns to confront him.) ANASTASIA Ravage, bad kitty! (She tries shooting at him but the Terminator pounces on the princess knocking the phaser from her hands.) STEELE So you wanna rumble with Steele eh? (Evil husky canomutant bully starts pounding the ground creating earthquakes, shaking up the heroes. Belle shouts to her boss who is still firing on the canosapiens) BELLEDONA We're expending too much magic. We must conserve! GENERAL PARVO Then I will end this party now! (Changing into his Pulse Laser Gun form the whippet witch siezes the weapon and prepares to fire. Ravage has Anya pinned and growling in her face when a beam of headlights blinds the T-800 causing it to turn and flee. Glancing up Anya sees Jeff approaching with Vladamir inside. She goes to his side) ANASTASIA Vlady! Did you get the first aid kit? VLADAMIR Yeah! I just hope we're not too late. (Together they speed off as Penny, Anabelle, Spirit, Star, Outlaw and Xander arrive on scene and morph into their true forms.) ANABELLE There's still time for us to see some action. BELLEDONA But not for long Annie, HAHAHAHAHAAAH! (She opens fire on Anabelle striking her down, then pivots and drops Star and her brother. She then takes out Outlaw, Star and Penny! Seconds later inside Mission Control) DIMITRI Where's the gizmo? ANASTASIA Here! We got it! VLADAMIR Here it is Dimitri! Blood-transfusion kit. DOC BROWN Great Scott, you did it YES! COLLEEN Blimey, now we can finally revive the Master. (Using the kit, Emmett orders his son to lay down on the operating table next to his uncle. He sticks one needle into his arm then activates the machine. Blood begins flowing through tube into bag hanging by a rack. Once that's filled, Brown removes needle from Ace, then Colleen inserts fresh needle into Shepherd's arm as the blood flows from bag through tube and into William's body just in time. Monitoring the readouts on the screen the Lost In Space Robot confirms good news) LOST IN SPACE ROBOT WILLIAM SHEPHERD WILL LIVE...ALL LIFE SIGNS ARE RETURNING TO NORMAL...PULSE RATE STEADY...HEARTBEAT STRONG...BLOOD PRESSURE NORMAL...HE WILL SURVIVE... (Doc, Anya, Dimitri, Vladamir, Ace, Kim and Colleen shout in VICTORY!) (Meanwhile outside the cyborg is celebrating his triumph together with his croonies who are standing over the fallen Protectons) GENERAL PARVO Hehehahahah! We are victorious. Is there anyone in the universe who will dare challenge the might of Parvo? MASTER There is one General...I, Master challenge you! (Startled the general looks up in suprise to see the Master glaring down at him from above. So do the other Terrakors and Protectons!) HUNTER Master??? EXILE Nyeh! He lives??? BLITZ Our leader's back YA! BELLEDONA He accepted your challenge leader. The battle-code requires you two engage in combat, alone. MASTER Then it's just the two of us Parvo. (Smiling the cyborg strikes first. He fires on Shepherd then jumps him. William fights back by bodyslamming him to the ground. As Parvo climbs to his feet the Master dropkicks him back down again! He then blasts into the general's body as Parvo cries in pain) GENERAL PARVO I've used too much power against the Alliance, I need assistance! BELLEDONA How unfortunate...If you cannot fight your opponet yourself, you are not fit to be our leader. I am the only suitable leader anyway. (Growling the cyborg attacks again. He does some wrestling moves himself but William knows wrestling than he does. Within seconds he has the general down and caught in the Figure-4-Leglock!) MASTER General Parvo. Do you yield! GENERAL PARVO Yield for now, only for now. BELLEDONA Retreat! And take our leader back for repairs. (The Road Rovers begin cheering as the Master poses for a picture.) VLADAMIR I guess that takes care of the Empire. ANASTASIA Uh-uh they'll be back. I just know it, they'll be back... THE END Alethia (c) Kylen Miles Spirit (c) Connie Smernos Xander and Star (c) Kathrine Gore Penny (c) Nicole Messina Outlaw (c) Greg Williams