Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Fire In The Sky PART 3 by Scott Space Ace Oliverson (We now see the Alliance Rovers trying to save the life of Bandit who refused to kill the enemy and thus was struck down by his own teacher who acused him of being a traitor to the Empire!) MASTER How is Bandit Colleen? COLLEEN Not good, he is badly wounded. SPACE ACE I don't get it. Why was he working for the Terrakors? SPIRIT He tried to save us... ANABELLE And my twin blasted him for it! DOC BROWN Well that's all I can do for now. Now it's just a matter of luck. (Suddenly Laserbeak appears overhead, spying on the Protectons and sees that they are alive. Quickly he radios to the Empire...General Parvo is taking some R&R (Rest and Recreation) when he receives the message. Angered he throws one of the energon cubes striking Belledona in the back of the head, she cries in pain, turns on him in shock and bewilderment) GENERAL PARVO You disgust me. You failed to terminate the Rovers! Laserbeak has informed me they still LIVE!(Belle gets puzzled, confused look in her eyes) BELLEDONA But, but that's impossible. I destroyed them myself when Bandit refused to execute them... GENERAL PARVO Oh really??? Then how do you explain yourself for allowing them to live? BELLEDONA But I... Anabelle's magic. SHE TRICKED ME! GENERAL PARVO But we shall not be fooled a second time...Empire, prepare to attack! (The Terrakors take off, heading into combat. Morphing into their fighter jet planes are Nikki, Kaltag, Star, Groomer, Carmen and Belledona!) BELLEDONA Alliance below, FIRE AT WILL! (Bombs and missiles impact the ground, sending the canosapiens running for their lives. Colleen tries helping Bandit to his feet) COLLEEN Blimey get up! I'm not leaving you here! (She gets shot off her feet by direct hit. Bandit still unconsious moans then begins to come around...Now we see Ace and Kimberly firing on the attacking MIGS that divebomb them. Master goes into action) MASTER Time for reinforcements... (Dr. William Shepherd changes into his 18-Wheeler disquise, rolls into position and then unleashes SAM (Surface To Air Missile) into the sky. The missiles strike MIG-29 (Nikki), F-14 (Carmen) and MIG-23 (Star)) NIKKI Stabalizers hit! STAR I'm out of control, can't hold alititude! BELLEDONA Can you pull up?! CARMEN SANDIEGO Negative! Mayday, mayday I'm going down! GROOMER NOOOOOOOOO! (Carmen collides into F-18 disquise of Groomer! Both jets, engines screaming at full throttle spiral downwards followed by Star and Nikki who go tumbling out of control and fall splashing into the sea!) DOC BROWN Ace, defensive manuvers, Kim duck! (Emmett is ordering his son and IFT secretary to return fire but be careful) MASTER Not close enough General! (When Parvo tries to shoot him from behind, the scientist snatches a frozen piece of ice-stalagmite and swings it like a baseball bat knocking the wrist-gun off the cyborg's arm! Parvo cringes in pain, then grins) GENERAL PARVO Interesting choice of weapons Master, but two can play that game. (Parvo also grabs a stalagmite himself and then both leaders go at it! Parvo knocks Master down, then leaps at him preparing to stab the professor through the heart...Shepherd spins his ice-sword like a lasso deflecting the general's blow and then throwing him over his head to crash onto the ground. William climbs back to his feet and turns to confront his enemy who holds a broken piece of ice in his hands) GENERAL PARVO Well done Professor, what a pity you LOST! Bandit, destroy William Shepherd! Crush him and all the Protectons once and for all.(But the fox canomutant just glares at him...) BANDIT Sorry, but I take no orders from you! You're through Bandit! BANDIT Oh yeah?! You forget Belledona, I can transform too! Time to even the score FRIEND, TEACHER! ANASTASIA Kick her in the tail-ass Bandit! DIMITRI Take her apart! BELLEDONA Where are you traitor? SHOW YOURSELF! (The sorceress is really fired up now...She's looking for her student who would dare betray her! Bandit is above and behind her) BANDIT Here I am witch! Come and get me! (He passes overhead, then loops around and comes at Belle head-on...The witch hits full throttle and closes in for the KILL!) BELLEDONA You shall pay for your treachery! HUNTER They're gonna crash! (Just before the mid-air, Bandit banks sharply aside and unleashes a blast of laser bullets into the underside of the F-16's fuselage. Screaming in pain, Belledona falls helplessly to the ground, crashes and spins out in flames! The protectons shout and cheer until they notice something's happening to the gunship, it's wobbling, staggering, trying to stay airborne) EXILE Bandit's losing altitude, airspeed! BLITZ Ahhhhh! What's he doing?! ANASTASIA He's trying to land. BANDIT!... (The fox lets go with missiles and lasers. They impact a nearby frozen mountainside which releases an AVALANCHE! As the MI-24 slams into the ground, skids across the ice and comes to a stop the avalanche crashes down atop the copter, burying it under tons of snow and ice! The protectons gasp in horror, eyes wide, mouths agape as the princess runs towards the disaster, screaming) ANASTASIA BANDIT! NOOOOOOOO! (Moments later the Alliance stand over the site where the fox laid down his life to save his friends and the earth. Anya is crying as her husband Dimitri tries comforting her, Master also helps in counseling) MASTER He risked everything to save us and the earth. KIMBERLY The energy drain has been stopped. SPACE ACE The earth will heat up again. LOST IN SPACE ROBOT AND THE EMPIRE HAS BEEN DEFEATED...VICTORY...VICTORY!... ANASTASIA But Bandit is, is gone. DOC BROWN He won't be forgotten your highness, he'll live forever. So long as freedom exists, Great Scott. MASTER We shall remember you Bandit. ALL ALLIANCE WE SHALL REMEMBER YOU BANDIT! THE END Spirit(c) Connie Smernos Bandit (c) Matthew Bentley