GRAVE SITUATION Thomas Greystone walks down Main street in his home town of Stump Hollow. He rounds a corner and stops in his tracks. There, in the center of light of a streetlamp is his dead sister Susan. Pain suddenly racks his body and he transforms into Silver. When he looks up he see's a man behind her, Cooper Graves. He has a gun paointed to the back of her head. He looks in Silvers direction and gives a cold smile. Silver tries run to his sister who seems oblivious to it all, but he finds that his feet are now blocks of cement. Cooper cocks the hammer of his gun. Silver screams just as Cooper fires. Silver: NOOOOOOO!!!!!! With a sudden start, Silver wakes up in his bed, sweating profusley. He curls into a fetal position and starts to cry. Silver: No. Not again! He can't be! Dallas Museum of History. A security guard is making his rounds when a sudden loud noise and some light make him run to a room in the museum. There standing in the middle of the room is Cooper Graves, slightly confused. Guard: Who are you? Identify yourself! Before the guard can realize it Cooper runs to to him and shoves him to the wall. He grabs the gun and points it to the guards head. Cooper: The names Cooper Graves. Does that name ring a bell? Realization and horror cross the guards face. Guard: Oh good Lord no! Cooper: Heeeeeerrrrrreeeee's Cooper!! Outside the museum, It is nighttime. Two shots ring out in the museum. Seconds later Cooper walks out the front door, gun in hand and stretches. Cooper: Ah! It's good to be back. He runs into the night. Mad Dog residence. The living room monitor is beeping and everyone wakes up to see who it is. Beowulf: This better be good. Outlaw turns the monitor on and the Master appears. Outlaw: Morning Master. It's one in the morning. Why are you calling us? Master: I have bad news. Cooper Graves is back. Beowulf: This IS good. Silver: You mean bad. Oh! How do I always know? Everyone looks at him with puzzled looks. Silver: I'll explain later. Master: Get down here as fast as you can. Outlaw: Will do sir. Road Rover Mission Control, briefing room. The Mad Dogs are seated around the table. Master: This is what the security camera's picked up earlier. The screen shows all that happened. Outlaw: He can't be back! Before the Immortal Gem made me destroy it, it told me that Cooper Graves was destroyed as well. Master: I think Silver can probably enlighten us. Silver: Ever since the first time me and Outlaw captured Graves, I've had nightmares about him. I don't know how but I've always known that's he's escaped. This is, what, the fourth or fifth time? He has to stay locked up! Master: I agree. He's your responsibilty and you must capture him. Outlaw: We'll do our best sir. Dallas, early morning. The Mad Dogs are outside the museum where police and an ambulance carries away the guard. Wesley has a scanner out and running it across the steps. Wesley: I think I got him. He headed that way. Outlaw: Harley, link with Wesley's scanner and let us know when he's around. Harley: Sure thing Outlaw. They drive around the city for several miles. Then the scanner picks him up in a local park. Outlaw: All right be careful. Split up and find him. Saphire, give us a bird's-eye view. Saphire: Going up. Saphire flies upward. Everyone splits up. Silver for his part is trying to look in every direction at once. He's very nervous. Cooper drops down in front of him and points the gun at him and fires. The bullet hits Silver in the chest, but thanks to his now immortality, he heals quickly. Cooper: Hmm. Still immortal I see. Silver: And always will be. Silver points his laser pistol at Cooper. Silver: Your under arrest for the crime of murder. Cooper lunges at him and they go down on the ground fighting. Silver parries some of his punches and gets in some of his own. Cooper grabs Silver and bashes his forhead into a tree leaving him momentarily stunned. Silver recovers and knocks his feet out from under him and then Silver bashes Cooper's head into the tree. Cooper lies there in pain. Silver takes out his pistol and sets it to vaporize. Silver: I'll see you in Hell Cooper! Outlaw: NO!! Silver don't do it! Silver: Back off!! My nightmares end now! Outlaw: Think Silver! Is it justice you want or revenge? Silver breaks down and starts crying. Cooper decides to run but a stun shot from Beowulf sends him sprawling. Silver: End the nightmares! Please! Outlaw: I wish I knew how. Mad Dog residence. They are all sitting in the living room watching a news cast. Reporter: Cooper Graves was found guilty today and will be sent to the island gulag of Roth Pentell, an island in the South Pacific near Antarctica. The island is a lifer's only prison and is miles away from established ship lanes that supply ships only visit the island once a year. The prisoners there have adequate facilites with no guards and no means of escape. We hope we have finally seen the last of Cooper Graves. Outlaw shuts off the Television.Outlaw: Amen to that. Silver: My nightmares have ended. Saphire: How do you know? Silver: I can't explain it, but I just know. Outlaw: Glad to hear it. THE END