Road Rovers TransFormers 2015 Roll For It PART 3 by Scott Space Ace Oliverson (Back at Mission Control the Rover Alliance are sitting around talking about the events of the past hours when the Lost In Space Robot notices the BIG SCREEN come online with a startling picture!) LOST IN SPACE ROBOT DANGER...DANGER! I DETECT THE EMPIRE TERRAKORS...THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY...DANGER...DANGER! (Rovers start frantically speaking back and forth until the Master calms them down...) MASTER I don't have to tell you what's ahead of us. They've got to be stopped and we are the only ones who can do it. BALTO When we're done with them. JENNA They're gonna wish they've never tangled with us! (Half wolf and husky canosapiens take to the sky to combat the enemy) JENNA Okay hero, let's go! (They close in on the jets. Jenna leaps onto the back of the F-18 Hornet (Carmen SanDiego) while Balto attacks the F-14 Tomcat (Groomer) JENNA Okay crimewoman! Let's see how tough you are! BALTO Hey check out this move, YEEHAW! BELLEDONA You showoffs are forgetting ME! (Whippet witch slams into Balto from blindside knocking him off the jet. He falls towards the ground but thankfully his paraglider (chute) opens automatically to slow his descent. Jenna glides to the ground on her chute also, she was also knocked off by Belle too!) JENNA Hey! I get the feeling our jet-judo still needs some work. BALTO Oh? What makes you say that sis? (Upon landing both are attacked by Groomer and Carmen who strafe them with gunfire. Both canosapiens return fire. Parvo meanwhile touches down and prepares to give the Protectons the BIG SUPRISE!) GENERAL PARVO Steele, the anti-matter quickly! GENERAL PARVO Beware Road Rovers...I am about to transform into the most powerful weapon in the universe! (He morphs into his Pulse Laser Gun disquise. Belledona snatches the gun up and takes aim) BELLEDONA I am about to transform those mutts into atomic particles! (Cackling she begins firing, scoring direct hits on the canosapien and human warriors who get knocked off their feets!) SPACE ACE Hey, get me out of here! BELLEDONA I am invincible. No one can stand against me, NO ONE! JEFF Nail her! BELLEDONA NEVER!!! DOC BROWN Alright guys, it's now or never. ANASTASIA Then let's do it! (William Shepherd changes into his 18-Wheeler disquise and accelerates towards the witch who grins evilly and aims on the truck) BELLEDONA At last! The extermination of the Master. BLITZ Okay Master let's hit it! (Together he and Exile heave-ho the truck into the air. It sails towards Belle and crashes into her. Knocked backwards the witch screams in terror as the gun goes spinning from her grasp and falls to the ground) BELLEDONA Someone help! Get the anti-matter gun! (Groomer picks it up and goes to shoot when Anastasia sneaks up behind the woman and dropkicks her. Unfortunately she gets back up, whirls on the princess and jams the muzzle of the gun into her face!) GROOMER Why you stupid female wench! You're no match for Groomer! VLADAMIR Your highness! (Vlady charges Groomer who dosen't see him coming. Russian computer expert attaches power-pack onto terrorist's backside. Feeling something hitting her back, Groomer turns to confront Vladamir and aims on him) GROOMER For that I'll blast you first! VLADAMIR Not if Doc Brown's invention works you won't! LOST IN SPACE ROBOT <Monitors remote controls> COMPUTER OVERRIDE ACCOMPLISHED...NEW TARGET SELECTED...PREPARE TO FIRE... DOC BROWN Whohoa! YES! Anya we did it! YES! Whohoa! (Suddenly Groomer finds herself firing the gun out of control, spinning helplessly about in circles!) GROOMER Wha-what's going on?! I-I'm not in control of my own body. STEELE HELP! GENERAL PARVO Groomer you idiot! Robot has overridden your reflexes. And my anti-matter pre-heat-ignition temperatures. I got to get rid of it before it kills me! (Cyborg vomits up the glowing cubes which are now crackling and sparking madly. Just then a loud explosion goes off followed by shockwave blasts which roll outwards in all directions knocking everybody to the ground, hands clasped over their ears in pain.) (Moments later the general painfully staggers back to his feet...) GENERAL PARVO We've been cheated out of our victory. Empire, retreat...RETREAT! (One by one the Terrakors fly off back to their HQ base in defeat. The Protectons begin cheering in triumph!) HUNTER Congratulations Vladamir, you saved the day. COLLEEN Blimey you're a hero! VLADAMIR I am, I did, really?! ANASTASIA You sure did. EXILE You may not be a canosapien comrade. But when you rolled for broke back there you sure could've fooled me. MASTER We're proud to have you as a friend and member of the pack. (Vlady smiles, turning red with embarrasement. Meanwhile the Empire is still in retreat, back to their headquarters to try once again in conquering the future as the General mutters angrilly to himself) GENERAL PARVO One stupid russian bolshivek came between me and master of the universe. But soon revenge and victory will be MINE! THE END Outlaw (c) Greg Williams Penny (c) Nicole Messina Spirit (c) Connie Smernos