Cactus Juice Stomp
Choreographer: Cheryl Knighton & Paul Goddard, Rockford, Il.
32 count 38 step 1 wall line dance
Difficulty: Beginner
Music: Hillbilly Rap by Neal McCoy / It's Cold Outside by Bighouse


1 - 2    Stomp right foot, stomp left foot (shoulder width apart)
3         Rock weight back onto both heels (toes raised and say WHOA)
4         Rock weight forward (toes down)

1 & 2  Shuffle step to right side (step right to right side, quick step left together with right,
           step right to right side)
3         Rock step on left behind right (slight diagonal)
4         Rock weight forward onto right foot

1 & 2  Shuffle step to left side (step left foot to left, quick step right together with left, step
           left to left side)
3        Rock step on right behind left (slight diagonal)
4        Rock weight forward onto left

1 & 2 Shuffle step forward (right, left, right)
3 - 4  Step left foot forward and pivot 1/2 turn to right, step on right **SEE VARIATION

1 & 2 Shuffle step forward (left, right, left)
3 - 4  Step forward right and pivot 1/2 turn to left, step on left
1-2-3 Walk forward right, left, right
4        Stomp left and clap (contra line dance: slap hands of person across line)

1-2-3 Walk backwards left, right, left
4        Touch right toe back and clap

1 & 2 Right kick-ball-change
3 & 4 Right kick-ball-change
Begin Again

**Contra Variations**
To juice things up a bit substitute a step forward left step forward right for the 1/2 turn right.
Shuffle forward left, right, left. Execute the 1/2 turn left. The contra lines have now switched
sides. To make things really juicy, do 2 regular patterns followed by 2 variation patterns etc. etc.
This is not a serious dance...HAVE FUN WITH IT.

Dance sheet Courtesy of BOOT GANG DANCERS & PCM D.J. Service
Larry & Debbie Davis (815)825-9053