Welcome to the Homepage of the
Boot Gang Dancers

Welcome to our home. We would like to THANK YOU for stopping by. We hope that you will have an enjoyable stay here at our humble home, and that you will return and bring some friends.

First let us say that the only graphics that you will encounter is the ones that you have already seen. This is our logo. We hope that you like him as much as we do.
And the ones that are on  This Page . These are pictures of some of us doing a demo.

With not having to wait for a lot of graphics the pages should load faster and you should be able to "surf" a lot faster.

If you have any comments please don't hesitate to send them to us, (good or bad).

Now a little about us. Our Names are Larry & Debbie Davis. Debbie has been dancing for about 9 years and Larry about 5 years We have been teaching for about 4 years. We have taught in just about all of the small towns around us and some of the big ones too.

Currently we teach in a small town in Illinois called Malta on Tuesday nights. Our class has a membership of about 35 people, (now if we could only get them all there at the same time).

We teach as many of the "new" dances that we can, (new meaning new to our area) as well as teach some of the older ones too. We teach beginner thru advanced level dancers (mostly intermediate).

Well that's enough about us let's get on to the good stuff.

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