Welcome to the Internets first grand tour of the Baldurs Gate world area maps.There are a total of 42 area maps to view! Im not including the many dungeons,caves,mazes and buildings that are also within the game world.If you arent finished with your game of baldurs gate and want to be surprised,then by all means exit this page,as it might spoil your fun!! But,if your curiosity gets the best of you,or you dont own the game and want to view the huge baldurs gate world of the sword coast then this page is for you! all 42 area maps to baldurs gate can be accessed from the LEGEND menu to the left.Below is the actual world map,to choose an area you would like to view,scroll down this page and choose a Number on the map,then,click on the chosen number within the LEGEND menu.A new page will then pop-up with your selected area in full color.! Date Of Completion: 1-20-1999 ~Scroll down to the bottom of this page to view WORLD maps of the forgotten realms~ Click the MAP image below here to view the Forgotten realms world map.You will see first hand the possabilties of expansions to the game when you see just how huge this world is in relation to the Baldurs Gate game area!
Click the MAP image below here to view volo's map of the sword coast.