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What are the prices?
Here are the prices: 1 unit : 925 NL Guilders = 470 US Dollar 5 units : 875 NL Guilders = 440 US Dollar 10 units: 850 NL Guilders = 425 US Dollar Price of a cd with 40 games is 50 NLG or 30 US Dollar
How can I order the DOCv64?

Receive the DOCv64 by post
Receiving the DOCv64 by post sounds like the best solution. *The shipping costs are 35 US dollar for one pack* The package will be send with a insurence. Rembours or delivery on cash post sendings are only made if you pay 100 US dollar ahead. You can do this by sending a cheque or make a bank transfer. This because some people ordered a doc64 with delivery on cash, and did not fetch it at the post office, the doc64 came back after having a holyday of 3 weeks in France or Sweden. (sight) Hope you understand, the relative small payment that comes ahead.
Can I come and get it?
When you live near the Dutch border it might be a possibility to come and get one. I live near Amsterdam. On a sunday there is not such a lot of trafic on the road, and it might be quiet nice to drive, if you like driving.

Email BOSZ for a DOCv64.

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