Terje Haakonsen

Full Name: Terje Haakonsen
Date of Birth: October 11, 1974
Hometown: Oslo, Laguna
Riding Since: 1988
Board/Stance Preference: Balance 56, Reg, 21,
21/9 2.5 back

interview with Terje If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Favorite Terrain: Steep mountains

First Time: AAmot, Norway Feb 88 on a Burton Elite

Is snowboarding ready for the Olympics?
No because to organize good contests takes a lot of work these days. Looks like they don't care as much about the condition of the pipe as they do the banners. It's supposed to be the best but we all know it's not going to be all that good.

Who most influences your style?
Skaters, Directors, People with common sense

Who do you ride with the most?
Guch, Sebu, Johan

If you were going on a trip and could only take five things with you (other than a change of clothes and your snowboard) what would those things be?
Surf mag, Skateboard, Creditcard, MD player, Mary Jane

Terje's Favorites...

Month: August
Time of Day: Late Night
Car: Fiat Coupe
Animal: Cheetah

Terje's Competition results
1998 Gerlos Superpipe Champion
1998 Gothenberg Megastar Quarterpipe Contest - tie 1st place
1997 Sweden Superstar G-Spot Halfpipe Champion
1997 ISF North American Boardercross World Champion
2-time Innsbruck Air & Style Quarterpipe Champion ('98 and '95)
3-time Mt. Baker Banked Slalom Champion ('98, '96, and '95)
3-time World Halfpipe Champion ('97, '95, and '93)
5-time European Halfpipe Champion ('97, '94, '93, '92, '91)
3-time U.S. Open Halfpipe Champion ('95, '93 and '92)
2-time World Cup Halfpipe Champion ('94 and '92)

See pics of Terje and others
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