Q> Is there more information on the name Koresh
and its meaning of death?

A> Is.45:1
Thus saith the LORD to his ANOINTED (Messiah), to CYRUS (Koresh),
whose right hand (which holds the scroll, Ps.45:4) I have holden, to
subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open
before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut
gates of New Jerusalem shall not be shut, see Rev.21:25);

The name of Cyrus refers to the latter day Messiah (Man-child of Rev.12:5).
In the Hebrew language, Cyrus is pronounced as Koresh. The latter day Lamb
(Messiah: Anointed) has a New Name. The New Name of the latter day Lamb
is written in God’s Word. The Man-child (Koresh) is the written Word of God
made flesh (manifested; fulfilled).

His (latter day Messiah) eyes were as a flame (sees the Seven Seals
of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had
a NAME WRITTEN, that NO MAN KNEW, but he himself
(until the
Lamb revealed his name through the Seven Seals Mysteries).

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his (Man-child
of Rev.12:5)
NAME is called THE WORD OF GOD (the Man-child is
the written Word of prophecy made flesh).

The rider upon the white horse in Rev.19:12 had a name which no man
knew until the right time. The vision which was seen in Rev.19:11-16 WAS
to take place during the First Seal of Rev.6:2. However, because the
Man-child went froward in the way of his heart as it was written of him
in Is.57:17, this caused Ps.89:38-52 to be fulfilled instead of the First Seal
of Rev.6:2; Ps.45:3-5. The First Seal, where the white horse rider (Cyrus;
typified by the old Medo/Persian king) literally conquers latter day Babylon,
shall be fulfilled at the Sixth Seal, see Rev.6:12-17.

The latter day Lamb, being the Man-child of Rev.12:5, has a new name
for the latter days, as stated in Rev.19:12. The new name is understood
by receiving the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll. The 144,000 shall
have the latter day Lamb’s surname (Koresh) written in their minds
(forehead), see Rev.14:1. The Man-child (latter day Lamb) is God’s
shepherd for the latter days, having the surname of Koresh.

That saith of Cyrus (Koresh), He is my (God’s) SHEPHERD, and shall
perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem
(symbolizing his Bride,
see Rev.21:9,10),
Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation
(twelve foundations of Rev.21:14)
shall be laid.

The latter day Lamb (Man-child of Rev.12:5) has a first name and a last name
(surname). The surname of the Lamb who revealed the Seven Seals Scroll, is
the name of Cyrus (Koresh). The surname of the Man-child (Lamb) is the
family name of Elohiym. God the father and God the mother are surnamed
with the name Koresh.

Thus saith the LORD to his ANOINTED (Messiah: Christ), to CYRUS,…

I (God) have SURNAMED thee (Cyrus: latter day Lamb),…

The Man-child who is the latter day Lamb having a SURNAME of Cyrus
(Koresh), also has a first name. The first name of the Man-child is also
written in scripture, as the Man-child is God’s written Word of prophecy
made flesh.

And I will set up ONE SHEPHERD (Cyrus, see Is.44:28) over them,
and he shall feed them, even my servant DAVID
(latter day David:
; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd
(see Is.40:11).

Afterward shall the children of Israel (LATTER DAY CHILDREN)
return, and seek the LORD their God, and DAVID (latter day David)
their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the LATTER

The Man-child of Rev.12:5 has a NEW NAME in the latter days. His first
name is David (according to the Word of God), and his last name (surname)
is Koresh (Cyrus). The latter day Messiah has within his earthen body, the
same spirit that was in Christ 2,000 years ago. The spirit of Michael inhabited
the body of: Melchizedek, Yeshua (Christ of 2,000 years ago), and the latter
day Messiah: David Koresh. To be the Messiah in the latter days, one must
pass the test of prophecy by revealing the Seven Seals Scroll.

False Messiahs and false prophets have arisen, yet how many have
correctly revealed the Seven Seals Mysteries of Rev.6:1-17? All
interpretations pertaining to God’s written Word must be proved by
applying this test: out of the mouths (writings) of two or three prophets
of God shall all interpretations of God’s Word be tested.

If there is no past type given to justify a prophetic interpretation, certainly
there is no truth in what is presented. No man is worthy to reveal the Seven
Seals Scroll except the latter day Lamb, see Rev.5:1-7. Thereafter, the Lamb
gives his scroll unto the Chosen Vessel who with the Remaining Bride
prophesies again that which is written upon the other side of the scroll,
see Rev.10:8-11.

The first four Seals show four horses with a rider upon each horse. The
rider upon each of the four horses is the Man-child (latter day Lamb).
The Fourth Seal reveals a pale horse, whose name is DEATH.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his (Man-child) name that
sat on him was DEATH,…

The rider upon the pale horse has a name of DEATH, just as the Angel of
the bottomless pit who also has a name: ABADDON (destroyer: death).

…and I saw a star (Word made flesh) fall from heaven unto the earth:
and to him was given the key of the BOTTOMLESS PIT.

…the angel of the BOTTOMLESS PIT, whose NAME in the Hebrew
tongue is ABADDON
(death: destroyer),

There is little doubt that the rider upon the pale horse whose name is
DEATH (see Rev.6:8), and the Angel of the bottomless pit whose name
is DESTROYER (see Rev.9:11) are both the same person. Since the rider
upon the pale horse and the Angel of the bottomless pit share the same
name, then they are the same person; except the vision of Rev.9:1 happens
after the fulfillment of Rev.6:8. The Angel of the bottomless pit was given
a KEY to the bottomless pit. The KEY of the Bottomless Pit (grave) is an
identifying characteristic.

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the KEY of the
BOTTOMLESS PIT and a great chain in his hand.

The Angel in Rev.20:1 is the same Angel of Rev.9:1, as in both instances
the Angel has the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT. Therefore the Angel
of Rev.20:1 being identified with the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT,
bears the name of ABADDON (destroying Angel of death).

In Rev.9:11 it stated that the Angel of the bottomless pit has a name of
ABADDON (destroyer) in the Hebrew scriptures. Therefore in the writings
(Hebrew tongue) of the Prophets there must be an Angel who is named as
a destroyer (Abaddon).

For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he
seeth the blood
(Mark: Seal) upon the lintel, and on the two side posts,
the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the DESTROYER

(ABADDON; the Lord’s Angel)
to come in unto your houses to smite you.

The name of the pale horse rider (Man-child) being DEATH, is the same
name given to the Angel who has the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT in
Rev.9:1. The Angel of the bottomless pit whose name is DESTROYER
(Abaddon) as stated in Rev.9:11, is the one who binds Satan in Rev.20:1,2.

The meaning pertaining to the surname of KORESH is DEATH.
Koresh means DEATH.

If you wish to look up the word Cyrus (Koresh) in the Strong’s dictionary,
it states the meaning of Koresh as: "LAST TIME". Other dictionaries translate
the meaning of Cyrus (Koresh) as: "THE END OF A THING". Both of these
meanings denote DEATH, as the meaning of Koresh is Death. Therefore the
rider upon the pale horse in Rev.6:8, has a name of Death, which is the
meaning of Koresh.

The first name of God is Yahweh, which means life (I am). The last name of
God is Koresh, which means death. When a person (or animal) is born, the
first breath they draw in and out, says the name of Yahweh (life). When a
person dies, the last breath that leaves the body says the name of Koresh
(Death). Everyone who is breathing is saying the name of Yahweh (life: I am).

Let EVERY THING (people and animals) that hath BREATH praise the
(as the breath enters in and out of the lungs, the sound of Yahweh
is being pronounced).
Praise ye the LORD.

Rev.9:11 …the angel of the BOTTOMLESS PIT, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue (Hebrew scriptures) is ABADDON (Destroyer: Death),

Ex.12:23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and
when he seeth the blood (Seal: mark) upon the lintel, and on the two
side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the
DESTROYER (Abaddon) to come in unto your houses to smite you.

Rev.9:1 …and I saw a STAR (Word made flesh) fall from heaven
unto the earth: and to him (Man-child) was given the KEY of the

Rev.20:1 And I saw an angel (star) come down from heaven, having
the KEY of the BOTTOMLESS PIT and a great chain in his hand
(to bind Satan, see Rev.20:2).

Rev.6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and HIS (Man-child)
NAME that sat on him was DEATH (Koresh, Abaddon),

1Chr.21:12 …three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence,
in the land, and the ANGEL (messenger of Death) of the LORD
DESTROYING (Abaddon) throughout all the coasts of Israel…

Rev.9:11 And they had a KING (Abaddon; Koresh) over them

Eze.37:24 And DAVID (latter day David) my servant shall be KING
over them;

Is.44:28 …that saith of Cyrus (Koresh), He is my (God’s) SHEPHERD,

Eze.34:23 And I (God) will set up one SHEPHERD over them, and he
(latter day Cyrus) shall feed them, even my servant DAVID (David Koresh);

Can you provide more information on the seven angels which
have the seven vials?

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598