Q> How long did the first creation last, and what
happened to the dinosaurs?

A> Since the time of Adam and Eve, all things that exist in our world are an
image of what was once upon this earth in the first creation. There is nothing
new in our world. All the things we have made or brought forth had already
been done in the first creation prior to the re-creation of Adam and Eve who
are written in the book of Genesis.

The THING that HATH BEEN (in the past), it is THAT which SHALL
(in the future); and that which is done is that which shall be done
(in the re-creation; our world)
: and there is NO NEW THING UNDER
(our world).

Is there ANY THING whereof it may be said, See, THIS IS NEW? it
(first creation), which was
(our world: re-creation).

That which HATH BEEN (in the first creation) is NOW (repeated in
our world)
; and that which IS TO BE (future things of our world)
HATH ALREADY BEEN (all things of our world have all been
done in the first creation)
; and God requireth that which is past.

All of the planets in our solar system were once inhabited by humans and
animals. During the first creation period, God allowed a full expression of
freedom to rule the conscience of man and beast. This meant that there
were no standards of laws in the hearts and minds of people during the
first creation period. There was no understanding or realization of wrong
or right, until God had witnessed and seen the light (good) by experience.

During the first creation only when God declared something to be evil, was
it then labeled and understood as wrong (evil). Evil was perceived by God
through the literal experience of the ways of life during the first creation.

God gave the beings of the first creation complete freedom in all things.
When God saw by experience, evil mixed with the good, it became
evident that God had created evil (darkness: evening) and good (light:

I (God) form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and CREATE

The world we live in today (the re-created earth which began with Adam and
Eve), declares the past (former) things of the first creation. There is nothing
new in our world as it had already taken place prior to our existence. This
world since the time of Adam and Eve to our day (latter days), is an image
of the things in the first creation.

I (God) have declared the FORMER (things of the first creation) things
(the re-creation of this world in six days as
recorded in Genesis)
; and they went forth out of my mouth (by the
spoken Word of God all things were remade in six days)
, and I
showed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.

When God re-created the former world, God re-created the garden of
Eden. In the garden of Eden God placed the tree which had fruit containing
the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
was created on the third day prior to the creation of Adam and Eve on the
sixth day. This means that the knowledge of evil was in the fruit of the one
tree before Adam and Eve sinned. The knowledge of evil was realized by
the things that were experienced in the first creation.

When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit of good and evil, all
the evil character traits that were of the first creation were genetically
transmitted to their offspring. Everyone who is born upon this earth has
a mind and a heart knowing good and evil. God re-created this world,
and in this re-created world, the first two humans were Adam and Eve.
There were also two animals of every kind created: male and female.
When God re-created the animals on the sixth day, only certain animals
that had lived in the first creation were re-created.

God re-created this world in six literal twenty-four hour days. Each literal
day that God re-created the world (as recorded in the first chapter of
Genesis), represents a thousand years. There being six days of creation,
means this re-created world will last for only six thousand years and
then become a lake of fire. After the lake of fire (see Rev.19:20), the
millennium begins and lasts for a thousand years, which is the Sabbath
rest for the earth, as God rested on the seventh day.

The first creation that was upon this earth (prior to our world), was destroyed
in a flood of water (not Noah’s flood).

And the earth was without form (no visible land), and void; and darkness
was upon the face of THE DEEP
(waters). And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the WATERS
(covering the destruction of the first

Our world (since the time of Adam and Eve) was born out of water (destruction
of the first creation) and shall be destroyed in a lake of fire (beginning of the first

...These both were cast alive into a LAKE OF FIRE burning with

This world that was re-created from the flood of waters in Gen.1:2 and has
been continuing for almost six thousand years, will be destroyed in a lake
of fire, see Rev.19:20. Time is going backwards. The beginning of the first
creation began after the lake of fire, and the world we live in (second creation)
is traveling in time back to the point of the lake of fire. The destruction of the
first creation by a flood of waters was the time when this world was re-created,
see Gen.1:2.

The very beginning of the first creation of the earth began as a lake of fire
which cooled and water then covered its surface. Then God made the
molecular structure of rock to be a surface of the earth. It had taken an
eternity for anti-matter to be made into matter (atom). Once the invisible
God had designed the atom, all things of the physical could then be advanced.

Matter is physical bodies and anti-matter is spiritual bodies. The human body
is made of matter and the spirit within the body is made of anti-matter. God is
all and in all; with each physical (matter) vessel given a degree of conscious
knowledge, with a spirit (anti-matter) within the body.

After God created land mass, God then created the grass, trees and vegetable
life. It took only a few (six) days to re-call everything back into existence during
the second creation of the earth. However, it took many millions of years to
form plant life, sea life, animals and finally humans in the first creation. God
had personally experienced being the first of every thing that was created,
whether mineral or vegetable, animal or human.

Our world being an image of the first creation, reveals the things of the first
creation. In the six days of Genesis it shows what was first created in the first
creation and in what order; from the first day through to the sixth day. Each
of the six literal days of the re-creation, equals a period of one thousand years
that this second creation will exist, totaling six thousand years. At the end of the
six thousand years, our world shall reach the point when the earth shall become
a lake of fire. ‘Each day’ that passes in our world equals one thousand years of
time in the first creation.

For a THOUSAND YEARS in thy sight are but as YESTERDAY (one
when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

To understand how long the first creation lasted, we must multiply each day of
the six thousand years, by one thousand years.

365 days per year; each day equals one thousand years.
365 (days) x 6,000 (years) = 2,190,000 (days).

If each day of this world equals one thousand years, and there are 2,190,000
days in six thousand years, we must multiply 2,190,000 days (6,000 years)
by one thousand years to know how long the first creation lasted.

2,190,000 (days) x 1,000 (years) = 2,190,000,000 (years)

The first creation took two billion, one hundred and ninety million years
(2,190,000,000) from the time the earth was created until the destruction
of the first creation by a flood of waters.

This creation, which began with the re-creation of Adam and Eve, will last
for six thousand years. The six thousand years of this world is equal to two
billion, one hundred and ninety million years of the first creation. Not only
is time upon this earth, as it were, sped up, but time is going backwards.

Understanding what time is cannot be reasoned by the human consciousness.
It is impossible to fully reason what time really is. All we can do is measure
time by something that occurs frequently. For instance, the sun rising and
the sun setting is used to measure time, also the pulse of crystals, and the
working of the atom help us to measure time quite accurately.

Unfortunately the measurement of time does not give us the ability to
understand it or perceive its depth. A person can dream for a few
hours, yet while they are in their dream world their dream time can
go on for days or longer. Some people can wake up from a dream
which they are experiencing while dreaming another dream, this being
a dream within a dream.

God is able to make six thousand years of our time upon this earth cover
a parallel time period of two billion one hundred and ninety million years,
which is how long the first creation lasted. The six thousand years the
second creation (our creation) lasts for, is not only a re-creation of the
first creation but also takes place with time moving backwards heading
for the lake of fire. The human consciousness is limited to its perceptions
by its surroundings. Therefore what seems a profound mystery to humans,
is common knowledge within the mind of the eternal.

The first creation was continually advancing in its development. God created
all sorts of animals, however mankind is the ultimate expression of God’s
creation. Mankind was the last to be created. Yet the species of man did
not evolve of itself. Man was created out of all the knowledge which made
the other animals. Any beginnings of new species which were advanced
from the previous species before it, were physically made by God’s Hand.
All the firstborns of all the animals of the first creation were physically made
by the Hand of God.

There is no such thing as evolution unless we apply it to God creating one
species, and advancing that one species by God having created another
species like unto it, yet advancing it in wisdom and refinements. Mankind
did not come out of the monkey though mankind was created from the
knowledge which the monkey was made of, only we are an advanced
species from the monkey. The monkey was advanced from the species
before it and so on: all the way back to the first creature.

In the first creation, God did not just create a monkey and then jump straight
to creating a human. After the monkey, God created a monkey with some
characteristics of a human, then God created a half monkey and half man,
then a man with some monkey characteristics. Finally the first human (as
compared to Adam) was created as the king over all the animals that
were before it.

The greatest glory of all created species is the woman, as the woman was
created after man. Therefore a woman is the greatest expression of God’s
creation. In the first creation, which lasted two billion one hundred and
ninety million years, all sorts of animals were created by God, leading up
to the final creation of mankind. The dinosaurs were created during the
first creation, and roamed the earth long before the knowledge to make a
human had been achieved. God did not create things overnight, it sometimes
took millions of years to create and advance a single species. Of course, time
is irrelevant to the creator who is, and inhabits eternity.

Comprehending time itself is a daunting task to the human mortal. The system
that was employed in the first creation, was a revolving system much like the
way the animals of our world exist in the wild. One species preyed upon
another, and so on. The spirits which inhabited any one type of species in
the first creation, would be revolved through death and re-birth, as the spirit
was reborn again within the species it came from. Also, the mating of species
with another species was possible in the first creation. For instance, a man’s
seed could impregnate a horse and bring forth a horse having human features.

There was complete freedom of conscience in the first creation to express itself
and develop into whatever manifested from that expression. God allowed the
first creation to exist with complete freedom, in that the beings in the first
creation had no conscience of what was moral or immoral. God thereafter
recognized by experience the evil from the good, as God’s conscious spirit
was within all the first male created animals of every species, including
mankind. Thereby God has personally experienced the personalities and
perceptions of every thing that is and was created.

Out of the darkness (evil) of the first creation, came the light (good). Therefore,
God destroyed the first creation and re-made all life with hearts and minds
knowing only good. The Angelic beings were once the humans on the earth
during the first creation. When Lucifer became proud and questioned her
existence, God returned back to the past of Gen.1:2, and re-created life
upon the earth in six days.

All the spirits that are in Angelic bodies are reborn in human bodies upon this
earth, that they may choose the good (Word of God) over the evil (word of
man). Whatever spirit a person is of will determine if they are saved or lost.
All the spirits in Angelic bodies that did not rebel in heaven, will be the same
duplicate spirits in human bodies on earth that will be redeemed.

The rebellious spirits who rebelled against God’s Word in heaven (God sits
upon the circle of the earth) will be the same duplicate spirits within humans
who will reject God's revealed Word upon this earth.

DNA has proven that all humans who live or have lived upon this re-created
earth, came from ONE WOMAN. Though knowing how long ago the ONE
WOMAN lived by studying the DNA has not proven to be reliable. The
concept of all humans having originated from one woman was first written
in the book of Genesis. Therefore, DNA having determined that all humans
originated from ONE WOMAN (Eve) supports the illustration given in the
book of Genesis, that all mankind originated from one woman (Eve). The
studies of DNA reveal that every person’s lineage can be traced back to
the same single woman (Eve), from whom all humans originated.

When God re-created the earth in six literal days, only the good species
(from the first creation) of every animal were re-created. No dinosaurs
or in-between animals (i.e. half monkey, half man) were re-created.
God only re-created the good species of animals. All the animals that
God determined to be abnormal were not re-created, as they were
condemned as an evil abomination of the first creation. For example,
when the horse and cart were made, thereafter the horse was replaced
by an engine, and the cart was redesigned, and so on, until we reached
the modern car of today.

When God re-created the earth, the monkey (represented by the example
of the horse and cart) was re-created and so was man (represented by the
example of the modern car). All the in-between creations of part-man and
part-monkey were not re-created in the second creation. This example also
applies to all the other species of the first creation that were not re-created
during the first six literal days of Genesis.

The animals in our world have some conscious knowledge of good with the
evil, since the knowledge of sin entered into the re-creation. Animals of our
world generally only procreate amongst their own type, as God placed this
good knowledge within their hearts and minds.

When God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, God did not want the Israelites
marrying with foreigners. A man and a woman were to marry if both were
from the same tribe. It is evident that mankind today is moving in the direction
of the evil situation which existed in the first creation. For instance, the mixing
of different nationalities within one nation. This only creates confusion in the
eyes of God. Many abominations are conceived in these latter days, as the conscience of mankind is returning to the knowledge of things which existed
during the first creation.

If it were not for the consciousness of knowing good that was placed within
Adam and Eve, the ways which existed in the first creation would have fully
returned. In all humans there is a knowledge of good and evil. However the
evil experiences of the first creation are experienced in our world in a diluted
form for the sake of those who are to be redeemed. This world is a re-created
stage so that rebellion can play out and be seen and judged for what it is. The
humans which lived in the first creation had no conscience of what wrong was.

In every human who is born in the re-created earth, is the ability to comprehend
what wrong is; since we have the knowledge of good and evil placed within our
hearts and minds. Every person born in the re-creation period can perceive evil
by comparing it with good, because our conscience knows what good and evil is.

In the first creation, the people did not know the difference between a good
thing and an evil thing. This is the reason that humans upon the re-created
earth are like gods knowing good and evil, with the God-like ability to
perceive and experience right from wrong in all things.

And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US
(Elohiym: God the Father and God the Mother)

The Man-child has a Rod of Iron in Rev.12:5 and John the
Revelator has a Reed like unto a Rod. What is the meaning of

the Rod in both situations?

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598