Revelation 3:10
Because thou has kept the word of my
patience, I also will keep thee from the
come upon all the world, to try them that
dwell upon the earth.

The hour of temptation has now come upon all the world. What is
written in the book of Revelation from Rev.4:1 to the end of Rev.22:21,
are those events which are now taking place in these latter days (hour
of temptation)
when Babylon (Christendom) reigns for one prophetic
hour. In Rev.4:1 John is told to come up hither as he is about to be
shown a vision of the FUTURE of his day (hereafter). In the future
of John’s day, the Lamb with the Seven Seals Mystery (Hidden
came to the earth as a thief (unexpectedly) in the night
(spiritual darkness)

The symbolical one hour of Revelation is in two parts: half an hour
for the Lamb to sound his seven trumpets warning (when Babylon
is reigning)
and to gather his Bride. The latter half of the one hour
represents the time that the Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride
prophesy again (see Rev.10:11) to gather their spiritual children
(Fellowservants and 144,000).
At the end of the first half hour
of the one hour, the Lamb was killed on April 19th 1993 by the
Dragon Beast of Rev.12:13; 13:3.

The Dragon in Rev.12:4 represents the governments of man on the
earth, which are the image of the Great Red Dragon in heaven, see
Rev.12:3. In Rev.12:3 the Dragon in heaven (Great Dragon of
had no crowns upon its horns, this indicated that its
earthly image (being the Dragon Beast in Rev.12:4 standing
before the woman to devour her child; latter day Lamb)
no crowns upon its horns as well, as seen by looking at its reflective
image being the Great Red Dragon of Rev.12:3. Before the Lamb
sounded his seven trumpets (Seven Seals) the Dragon (Beast) who
was upon the earth symbolized latter day Egypt. In Rev.12:4 the
Dragon Beast symbolizes latter day Egypt, representing the past
type when Egypt ruled Jerusalem before Babylon took control of
Jerusalem, see 2Kin.23:35; Dan.11:20; 2Kin.24:1; Dan.11:21.

The Dragon Beast which had no crowns upon his horns represents
latter day Egypt, being the Dragon Beast of Rev.12:4 who tried to
devour the Man-child (the Lamb) prior to the Man-child sounding
his seven trumpets (being spiritually born), see Rev.8:1,2. Before
the Lamb had his song (Seven Seals; trumpets) placed in his mouth
(see Ps.40:3)
the Dragon Beast (being the anti-type of Egypt;
having no crowns upon its horns),
attempted to spiritually destroy
the Man-child (Chosen Vessel) before he was born of the Spirit.

The one hour (hour of temptation) began when the Beast’s horns
(kingdoms; type of the tribes of Israel)
received CROWNS upon
them, see Rev.12:13; 13:1; 17:17; Dan.2:43; 11:6; 11:21; 7:24.
The Dragon (Beast) in Rev.13:1 that has crowns upon its horns,
represents latter day Babylon. Latter day Babylon occurs in two
stages in that Babylon falls twice (Babylon is fallen, is fallen).
The Dragon (Beast) received its first deadly wound (see Rev.12:13;
on April 19th 1993, represented by the Beast of Babylon
with the crowned horns. Babylon shall be wounded
a second time at the Sixth Seal by latter day Cyrus (Lamb).
Babylon received its first wound by the Lamb with the Seven
Seals on the same day that the Lamb was killed (fulfilling the
prophecy of Gen.3:15).
The second deadly wound happens
when the Lamb returns to fulfill the Sixth Seal; thereby Babylon
will have fallen twice: Babylon is fallen (first wounded by the
Lamb on April 19
th 1993), is fallen (second wound by the
Lamb at the Sixth Seal)
, see Rev.14:8; Is.21:9.

At the beginning of the symbolical one hour, the Lamb sounds his
song (Seven Seals; seven trumpets) see Rev.8:1,2. Christendom
rejected the Lamb and his Seven Seals message, which is the Elijah
message before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the
Lord, see Mal.4:5. When Christendom rejected the Lamb with
his Seven Seals Revelation (Hidden Manna), this signified that
the ten horns (nations of political Christendom) had united
and are giving their support unto the great whore (Great Nation
of Christendom)
who killed the Lamb on April 19th 1993, see
Rev.17:17; Dan.2:43; 11:6 ref. to the horns (kings; nations)
uniting with the woman (Great Nation of Christendom).

In the latter days the woman (great whore) represents the capital
of the Great Christian Nation who runs latter day Babylon, causing
all nations to receive the mark (democratic knowledge) of the
Dragon Beast of Babylon. The Christians and the Dragon (Babylon)
are one of the same. The latter day Dragon (Babylon) destroys
many (many Christians) by peace (deception), see Dan.8:24,25;
11:21. This is why the Rider (Lamb with the Seven Seals; two
edge sword)
of Rev.6:4 comes to take peace (deception) from
the earth. The peace (deception) of Babylon (Christendom) ends
up destroying many people, because many people have been
deceived by the Dragon Beast (Babylon). Therefore, Babylon
will be thrown down with violence, because
Babylon has not had an ear to hear what the Spirit has said unto
her, see Rev.18:21; having been rebellious against the most
High God.

The Dragon Beast of Babylon received the first deadly wound
during the Lamb’s death, on April 19th 1993. The Lamb is typified
by Samson who had seven locks (type of the Lamb’s Seven
Seals Scroll)
which is where Samson’s strength through his
covenant with God (seven locks) was hidden. In his seven
locks was the hiding (concealing) of Samson’s power; just
as the Lamb’s power was hiding in his hand which held the
Seven Seals Scroll, see Hab.3:4; Ps.45:4. Before Samson’s
death, Samson had his eyes taken out, as Samson went
froward in the way of his heart violating his covenant with
God by telling Delilah the hiding of his great power. Samson’s
strength was in the covenant of his seven locks which had
never been cut since his birth, as he was a Nazarite from
the womb.

When the Lamb went froward in the way of his heart (see Is.48:8;
57:16-21; 53:10; Rev.12:2),
he brought upon himself the bitter
prophecies which are written of the Lamb going froward in the way
of his heart by breaking his covenant, just as Samson did. After
Samson violated his covenant with God the Philistines plucked out
his eyes, though God did accept Samson in his death. Samson was
blinded, yet wounded the head of the Philistines during his death.
The Lamb is the anti-type of Samson, as the Lamb lost his spiritual
eyesight before his death also, see Ps.38:10. The Lamb wounded
the Babylonian (Christian) head (Great Christian Nation) on
April 19th 1993, while also being killed himself, as typified by
Samson’s death.

There is a short time gap between the first phase of Babylon’s reign
(being the first half hour of the symbolic hour of temptation),

and the second phase of Babylon’s reign (being the final half hour
of the one hour).
At the end of the first half an hour, the Dragon
of Babylon received the wound upon one of its heads (Great
Nation of Christendom)
from the Lamb who had the Rod of
Iron (Word of God; two sided scroll; two edge sword). The
second half hour of the symbolical one hour began when the
lamb-like Beast of Rev.13:11 ascended from the earth (grave,
see Rev.12:13)
, which began the second half hour of the one
hour of the Babylonian Beast’s (Dragon: Babylon with crowned
reign, see Rev.17:12; 18:10; 18:17; 11:3; 3:10; 14:7,8; 8:1,
ref. to the one hour of Babylon’s reign, which is in two parts, as
Babylon falls twice (is fallen, is fallen). There is a short time gap
between the Dragon (crowned horns) receiving the deadly wound,
and resurrecting from its earthly grave.

The Lamb (Man-child) is typified by king Cyrus of the past kingdom
of Medo/Persia, who overthrew the Babylonian empire. In the latter
days the Lamb (Cyrus; Koresh) came with his Reward (two sided
scroll; two edge sword)
and gathered his Bride during the first half
hour of the one hour, see Rev.8:1-13. At the end of the first half hour
the Lamb was killed by the Babylonian Beast, yet in his death he
wounded one of the heads of Babylon (Dragon with crowned
, causing the people of Babylon to be divided against each
other. When the wound healed, the people again worshipped the
image (healed Beast) of the first system (religio/political system)
as it was prior to Babylon (Christendom) receiving its deadly wound
from the Lamb. In Rev.12:5, the Lamb WAS to rule ALL nations
with his Rod of Iron (double sided scroll; two edge sword), though
he (Lamb; latter day Cyrus) wounded only one head of the Dragon
of Rev.13:1 (the Great Christian Nation is the wounded head;
type of old Jerusalem)

The Great Nation of Christendom (wounded head) runs the affairs
of the Dragon (Babylon), as all the crowned (nations) horns give
power and strength unto the great whore (healed head; lamb-like
Beast; false prophet; Little Horn; Abomination of Desolation;
type of old Jerusalem)
see Rev.17:1-6,18. The Great Nation of
Christendom runs the government of latter day Babylon (Christendom),
even though God has warned through the Revelation of the Lamb that
the inhabitants of the earth should not receive the Beast’s (Dragon’s)
mark (knowledge) or his name (Babylon) or his number (six), which
is the opposite of the Lamb and his name (Cyrus; Koresh; Israel;
see Is.44:21,28; 45:1-4)
and the Lamb’s number (seven) and his
mark (Seal; knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll).

The mark (knowledge) of the Beast (Christendom) is contained
within the wine cup of the great whore, as the wine cup of the scarlet
woman is full of deception (Abomination), see Rev.17:4-6. The
capital of the Great Christian Nation who killed the Lamb on
April 19th 1993, has healed from her wound and causes all nations
to drink her religio/political democratic doctrine; which is full of
abominations that will leave the drinker (believer) desolate of a
great glory, see Rev.17:4. The great whore (Great Christian
is drunk with her own wine (doctrine) which sits in her
forehead. The wine that she drank from the golden cup in her hand
caused her mind (forehead) to be affected, because strong wine
goes to your head and makes you drunk with its intoxication.

All the world is now drunk because they received the wine cup of
Babylon into their hand and are drinking Babylon’s religio/political
democratic ways instead of the knowledge of the Seven Seals Scroll
(Hidden Manna; scroll)
. When the people received the whore’s
doctrine (wine cup) into their hands and drank of her ways, this
gave them the mark (knowledge) of the Beast (Christendom).
The people have received the whore’s wine cup into their hand,
and having drank the great whore’s wine, have become drunk.
The wine has gone to the people’s heads because they drank of
her (whore’s) doctrine (wine; abominations). Those who receive
the whore’s cup and drink of her wine, have the mark of the Beast
in their hand and in their minds (forehead).

The mark (Seal) of the Lamb is the knowledge contained in the
Seven Seals Scroll which the Lamb had in his Right Hand. Therefore,
those who want to be Sealed (marked) with God’s Seal in their
hand and in their forehead (to escape the Sixth Seal), must
receive and eat the scroll (Hidden Manna). The Chosen
Vessel with the Remaining Bride now have the scroll in their
Right Hand (Mark of God), whereby those (Firstfruits) who
are to be Sealed must take the Seven Seals Scroll from their
Right Hand and eat the scroll as John ate the scroll in Rev.10:8-11;
see also Eze.3:1-3,10-14; Jer.15:16,17; Is.7:15,21-22; 40:10,11.
The wise who eat the Hidden Manna (spiritual food), will receive
the knowledge of the Seven Seals in their foreheads (minds;
, understanding the Lamb’s name (Koresh) and
number (seven), as the 144,000 will do, see Rev.14:1.

The book of Revelation is understood through the past types
(examples) collectively. Egypt had control of Jerusalem in the
past, and typifies the latter day fulfillment where latter day Egypt
(Dragon Beast having no crowns upon its horns in Rev.12:4)
reigns before latter day Babylon (Dragon Beast having crowns
upon its horns in Rev.13:1).
Egypt of old had control of Jerusalem
and made them pay taxes, see 2Kin.23:35; Dan.11:20. After Egypt’s
rule over Jerusalem, old Babylon came and violently took the land as
prophesied by God through the Rod (Ezekiel and Jeremiah; types
of the Lamb).
Babylon of old is the vile person spoken of in Dan.11:21.
Though in Dan.11:21, it also mentions the future Babylon who takes
the kingdom from latter day Egypt peaceably using flatteries (politically,
through votes),
see also Dan.8:25. Latter day Babylon (Dragon with
crowned horns)
reigned over the kingdomof latter day Egypt (Dragon
with NO crowns upon its horns)
by using policy, craft, and flatteries,
see Dan.8:25; 11:21.

In Dan.11:21, the vile person is descriptive of old Babylon who was
viewed as vile to the people of Judah. Therefore, the people of Jerusalem
would not give the honour of the Judean kingdom unto Babylon. In the
past Jerusalem rebelled twice when Babylon had taken control. Babylon
was used by God to fulfill His Word, as prophesied by Ezekiel and
Jeremiah. Through the revealed Word (Rod) of Ezekiel and Jeremiah,
God warned the people of Jerusalem to serve the kingdom of old

The types of the past reveal the latter day fulfillment of prophecy, however,
the scenario of old Babylon and Jerusalem are reversed in the latter days.
For instance, Babylon of old destroyed and put down all with force and
violence. Latter day Babylon destroys many by peace (sanctions) and
not violence, unless a nation refuses to receive the mark of the Beast
(democratic system). Latter day Babylon (Christendom) divides the
spoil of war with its neighbors, see Dan.11:24.

The latter day great whore (the Great Christian Nation) being the type
of the past great city Jerusalem, causes all to receive the mark (knowledge
of Christendom)
of the Dragon (Babylonian Beast with crowned horns).
Babylon will spiritually kill any nation by not allowing them to trade (buy
and sell)
with other nations. The latter day scenario is converse to the
situation that existed between Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and
Jerusalem of old.

In the past type Jerusalem kept rebelling against the kingdom of Babylon
even though God warned the people of old Jerusalem to serve the king
of Babylon for 70 years, as prophesied by Ezekiel and Jeremiah. In the
latter days the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel warn all of the Great
Christian Nation (anti-type of Jerusalem) NOT to worship the Dragon
(Babylon) or receive the mark (wine cup) or his name (Babylon;
or his number of six, which is incomplete, see Rev.14:9,10.
The Lamb’s Seven Seals Revelation is the knowledge of salvation for
the hearer, which predicts the soon destruction of Babylon (Christendom)
and those who worship and serve the Beast.

Jerusalem of the past rebelled not only once, but twice against God’s
Word which required the people of Jerusalem to serve the king of
Babylon and it would be well with them. The second time they
rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar (who had taken Jerusalem
by the Word of God),
his Babylonian army destroyed the city Jerusalem
by breaking down the walls and burning the temple (sanctuary) down
to the ground. The destruction of old Jerusalem is a type of the Sixth
Seal, when Babylon (Christendom) falls the second time. Through the
Lamb and the Chosen Vessel, God has warned the Christians not to
worship or receive the mark (knowledge) of the Beast. However,
instead of receiving the mark of God (knowledge of the Seven Seals)
the Christians are running and controlling Babylon, being just as rebellious
as the Judeans of old and are even championing the mark of the Beast
and his name and number, causing all to receive the mark of the Beast
(Dragon; Babylon).

The Christians have shown God that they have put the Branch (Seven
Seals Revelation)
of the Chosen Vessel (Lamb) to their nose, implying
that the Seven Seals Revelation of the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel stinks.
Just as the past people of old Jerusalem put their nose up at the Rod
(inspired Word)
of Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Therefore God’s eye shall
not spare the leaders of Christendom (ancients), neither will God have
pity on those who reject the budded Rod (Seven Seals Revelation) of
the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel, see Eze.8:17,18; 9:5,6.

Latter day Babylon (Christendom) destroys many by peace, see
Dan.8:25. This is the reason why the Rider (Lamb; Cyrus) upon the
red horse (Bride) in Rev.6:4 came to take the peace (deception) of
Babylon away from the minds of the people. Babylon’s (Dragon)
peace (deception) is a temporary illusion and an Abomination
(unclean spiritual food) that will leave the followers of the Babylonian
religio/political system desolate. This is the very reason that Christ
2,000 years ago said that he came to bring a sword (Present Truth)
against the false religio/political system which also existed in his day,
see Mt.10:34-39. To find your life in Babylon (Christendom) is to
loose it in the Kingdom of God; to loose one’s life against Babylon
(Dragon; Christendom)
for the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll
(Hidden Manna)
is to find one’s life in the glorious Kingdom of God.

The Dragon Beast in the latter days in the first instance was Egypt,
see Eze.29:3; Rev.12:4, which represents the Dragon Beast with
ten horns that have NO crowns upon their horns. The Dragon Beast
with the ten crowns upon the ten horns (kingdoms) represents the
latter day Babylonian empire (crowned horns of the Beast). Latter
day Babylon is divided into two parts (two phases), both systems
destroy many by peace, see Dan.11:21; 8:25. Latter day Jerusalem
(head of the Great Christian Nation)
would not accept the Lamb
(budded Rod) who revealed the Seven Seals Scroll (Hidden Manna).
Therefore Christendom received a deadly wound upon one of its seven
heads which threatened their system (bringing division among the
people; distrust of the religio/political system)
which causes the
destruction of many souls using peace and flatteries.

The Great Christian Nation (great whore) is running, enforcing,
and even controlling the government of the Babylonian Dragon Beast
of Rev.13:1. The government of the first Dragon Beast (Egypt)
became confusion (Babylon) when it rejected the seven trumpets
(Seven Seals Revelation).
The leadership of the churches (harlots)
put their nose to the Branch (budded Rod; Chosen High Priest)
and rejected the Revelation of the Seven Seals Scroll. Therefore,
the Rod of Iron (the Lamb’s Seven Seals Scroll) caused a wound
upon the head (Great Christian Nation) of the Babylonian Dragon
(Beast with crowned horns) on April 19th 1993. On April 19th 1993,
the Lamb was killed, fulfilling the type of Samson who wounded the
head of the Philistines during his death. The Philistines made sport
of Samson (type of the Lamb) who had lost his strength
and also his eyesight.

The one hour of Babylon’s reign occurs in two phases. The first half
hour of the one hour was fulfilled when the Lamb (Man-child) sounded
his seven trumpets (song; Seven Seals Scroll) to Babylon (confusion;
. Thereafter the Lamb was cut off (killed), see Dan.8:11;
9:26, during which he wounded the Dragon (Beast with crowned horns)
in his death. Shortly after the wounding of the Babylonian Dragon, the
Dragon Beast resurrected from the earth (grave), and continues for the
1,260 day (42 months; time, times, and half a time) prophecy until the
Sixth Seal. During the same time period of 1,260 days (42 months) the
woman (Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride) of Rev.12:6,14,
flees into the spiritual wilderness where she is fed (nourished) with the
Hidden Manna that was given to John (type of the Chosen Vessel) in
Rev.10:8-11. If the Remaining Bride rejects the Little Help (Little
she will spiritually die for lack of spiritual nourishment.

The Lamb shall return at the Sixth Seal of Rev.6:12; 11:13; 12:16;
16:18,19; and wound all seven heads of the Babylonian Dragon of
Rev.17:3, who is symbolized as Leviathan, see Ps.74:14. This will be
the second and fatal wound that Babylon (Dragon, with crowned
shall receive. The first wound which was inflicted by the
Lamb’s sword (two sided scroll) happened on April 19th 1993
upon the Great Christian Nation (one head; great whore). The
wound which the Lamb inflicted with his Rod of Iron (sword; Word
of God)
threatened the peace (deception) of the Babylonian
establishment that destroys many by its false illusions of peace.

The Lamb wounded the one head of Babylon, fulfilling the prophecy
of Gen.3:15. The Lamb bruised (wounded) the head of the Serpent
(Dragon of Rev.12:13; 13:3).
Though the Dragon (Serpent) did
bruise the Lamb’s heal, meaning to slow the Lamb down from
taking all the kingdoms. The Lamb shall return at the Sixth Seal to
wound all seven heads upon the Dragon Beast of Babylon,
see Ps.74:14.

In Is.7:21 the man who nourishes the young (little) cow and two
sheep, is Immanuel, see Is.7:14-16. The little cow represents the
Little Scroll of prophecy which is in the hand of the mighty Angel
(Lamb with the Seven Seals Scroll)
, see Rev.10:2. The two sheep
represent the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel (spiritual feminine Lamb)
who are written upon each side of the scroll (little cow), see Rev.5:1;
Zec.5:1-3. The scroll in Zec.5:1-3 is written on this side of the Lamb
and on that side of the Chosen Vessel according to it, being the same
scroll of Rev.5:1; Eze.3:1-3,14; Jer.15:16,17; Dan.12:4; Hab.3:4;
Ps.45:4. After the Lamb had gathered his Bride during the first half
hour of Rev.8:1, the Lamb was killed on April 19th 1993, ending
the first half hour of Babylon’s one hour reign, see Dan.9:26;
Is.22:25; Mic.5:1.

The Chosen Vessel and the Remaining Bride prophesy for the last
half hour of the one hour, which began when the Babylonian
Beast healed from its wound, see Rev.13:3,11. The Babylonian Beast
received its deadly wound from the Lamb on April 19th 1993, at the
end of the first half of the one hour of Babylon’s reign. In the Fifth Seal
of Rev.6:9, there is seen the souls who were killed with the Lamb on
February 28 and April 19th 1993, see Dan.11:31-33. The Sixth Seal
cannot take place until the Fellowservants (Firstfruits who are killed)
and Brethren (Remaining Bride) join those who are under the Fifth
Seal altar of sacrifice; being those who were killed at the end of the
first half of the one hour of Babylon’s reign. The remainder of the
Brethren (Remaining Bride) are to bring forth their children
(Fellowservants and 144,000)
before the Sixth Seal is fulfilled upon
the earth. The woman (Chosen Vessel with the Remaining Bride)
shall be killed with the Fellowservants by the Dragon Beast prior to
the end of the second half hour of the one symbolical hour of Babylon’s
reign, see Rev.11:7.

The Two Witnesses (Lamb and Chosen Vessel written on each side
of the scroll)
shall rise from death after the three and a half days of
Rev.11:11 with the 200,000,000 of Rev.9:2. The 200,000,000 are
the army of God’s Saints who are the spirits of the Bride gathered
from every new testament generation. The Chosen Vessel and the
Lamb and the 200,000,000 army of Saints (Host) resurrect and return
to heaven (see Rev.11:12) being the time when Michael (Lamb) stands
up because the Spirit of the Lamb awakens within Michael, see Dan.12:1.
Thereafter, there is war in heaven between the Great Red Dragon and his
Angels, against Michael and his Angels (Saints). The Great Red Dragon
is quickly defeated and shall be cast unto the earth.

At the Sixth Seal the Lamb (Cyrus) cleanses the spiritual sanctuary
where the Abomination (false beliefs) had replaced the
Seven Seals Mystery, see Eze.9:6. The minds of the people are
spiritually cleansed during the time of the five months of torment
(see Rev.9:5) which first begins at the nation that rejected the
Seven Seals Revelation and killed the Lamb and the Chosen
Vessel with the Remaining Bride. The Great Christian Nation is
where the Sixth Seal begins, being the place where the Lamb’s
Kingdom (New Jerusalem) shall be set up to gather the
Great Multitude.

The 144,000 are gathered into the Kingdom (New Jerusalem) during
the five months of torment which is brought upon those who have not
the Seal (knowledge) of God in their foreheads. The 144,000 are
represented as the Blessed in Dan.12:12 and Rev.19:9, who shall
wait until the expiration of the 1,335 days to enter into the Kingdom.
The 1,335 days of Dan.12:12 begins at the same time that the 1,260
days of Dan.12:11; Rev.11:2,3; 12:6,14; 13:5, begins. The 1,335
day time period stretches an additional 75 days after the 1,260 day
prophecy ends. The 1,260 day prophecy ends when the Sixth Seal
begins. The Two Witnesses (two sided scroll written of the Lamb
and Chosen
Vessel) are killed in Rev.11:7 and resurrect in Rev.11:12
at the expiration of the 1,260 day prophecy.

The Lamb and Chosen Vessel with the 200,000,000 army of Saints
shall first return to heaven and cast out Satan (Great Red Dragon)
unto the earth, see Rev.12:7. Thereafter the Lamb and Chosen Vessel
with the 200,000,000 of Rev.9:2, return to the earth to cleanse the
sanctuary (Sixth Seal), see Rev.19:11-14; Rev.6:12-17; Eze.9:6.
The Blessed (144,000) will witness 75 days of the time of trouble
(Sixth Seal cleansing of the earthly sanctuary).
The 75th day
after the beginning of the Sixth Seal is the fulfillment of the 1,335 days.
On the 1,335th day, the 144,000 are gathered into God’s Kingdom.
When the Sixth Seal (five months of torment) comes to an end, the
144,000 will leave New Jerusalem to gather the Great Multitude who
are spiritually cleansed from the Abomination during the Sixth Seal
fulfillment (see Mt.24:31).

The 1,335 days extends an additional 75 days (two and a half months)
over the 1,260 days. The 1,335th day is the day when the 144,000 are
gathered into God’s Kingdom during the Sixth Seal (five months of
torment, see Rev.9:5)
. At the beginning of the Sixth Seal, The 144,000
are mixed in with those who have not the Seal (knowledge of the Seven
Seals Scroll)
of God in their foreheads. Therefore, the 200,000,000 of
Rev.9:4; Eze.9:6, are commanded NOT to hurt or come near anyone
that has the spiritual mark (Seal) of God upon them. The knowledge of
the Seven Seals Scroll is typified by the mark (blood) that was placed
upon the door post and lintel in the days of the Destroying Angel (Christ,
see Ex.12:23)
who passed over the land of Egypt smiting all the firstborns
who had not the blood (Seal; mark) on the door post or lintel, see

The 144,000 will be taken into the Kingdom (New Jerusalem) during the
first two and a half months of the five months of torment, see Rev.9:5. The
Sixth Seal (five months of torment) begins at the end of the 1,260 day
(42 months)
time prophecy. 75 days (two and a half months) after the
end of the 1,260 day prophecy is 1,335 days, being the day (1,335th day)
when the 144,000 are gathered into the Kingdom of God, see Dan.2:44;
Mt.24:40; Mt.13:33. When the Sixth Seal begins, as mentioned in
Rev.6:12-17; 9:2,14; 11:13; 12:16; 16:18,19; 19:11-16, the resurrection
of the Two Witnesses with the 200,000,000 army of Saints will have taken
place, ending the 1,260 day (42 month) prophecy. On the same day of the
resurrection of the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel and their army, the Great
Dragon (Lucifer; Satan and her Angels) is cast out of heaven. Immediately
the Lamb and the Chosen Vessel with the Host (200,000,000 Brides)
return to the earth and fulfill the Sixth Seal, being the same hour.

Door To The Future ||| Rev.4:1-8,11

Hidden Manna, PO Box 789, Jesup GA. 31598