Civil War Reenactors

The 4th, Co. K is just starting and is looking for any members of any age. We will be drilling alongside the 4th Michigan Co. A this winter. We will also be getting a flag and recruiting post at CrossRoads Village. Please contact us at

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Current News

Right now we're at a low of 5 members. But we are just starting out. If you'd like to join, you could email me or you could talk to us at any Michigan reenactment. Or if you just want any information you can contact us. Also, we are looking to buy used or new equipment for our new members. If you or any of your men have any, please email me with what the item is and the price. Huzzah for the Union!!!!!!

The 4th's Song (After eading, please sign the Guest book)

" Oh, Somebody better tell the rebs to watch themselves, Cuz when the 4th comes we'll give 'em hell!! give 'em hell give 'em hell give 'em hell in dixie
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Bandon Corcoran

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